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Automatically updating mailbox settings when loggin in

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Jul 15, 2000
Hi,<br><br>I have been trying to find a way of automatically updating the Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox name when you log in to Win 9x (2000 and NT do it automatically), but can't.&nbsp;&nbsp;I want the mailbox to be changed to the user who is logging in. Is there some way of doing it, or a piece of software that will do it, or can I program it myself (which I have been unsuccessful in, so far!)?&nbsp;&nbsp;Can it be done using rundll32 with the outlook dll? Any hints would be appreciated!<br><br>Cheers<br>Jules
Microsoft supplies a profile generator progam, as part of the BORK (Back office resorce kit)<br>I have been using this to create a new profile for people when they login, unless the system already has a profile for them.<br>I wraped some code arround it to do some of the changes necessary for many users, and then added tis to the win.ini on the run line.
Thanks redearl! Any chance you could hint at the code you wrote, and what it does? I would prefer not to use profiles if possible, just automatically changing the
If you are using Outlook, there is a setting to prompt for user profile once the program is executed. <p>Al<br><a href=mailto: atc-computing@home.com> atc-computing@home.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I was refering to an OUTLOOK Profile, not a windows profile-<br>outlook profiles are what the user uses to configure there email setups.<br><br>If you look at the profgen.ini file, you will see places for some defaults. All my code does is modify the INI files and then run the Microsoft tool to do the work.<br><br>If a user already has a profile it will not over write it unless you tell it to.<br>If a user does not have a profile on the system than it will create one, based on the stuff you put in the INI.<br><br>...rew
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