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Automated Daily/Weekly Reboots (script)

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Aug 17, 2016
I know this has been touched on before, but since all the posts seem to be older I thought I would ask again.

Does anyone know a good way to automate reboots? I know I can manually schedule reboots, but this is a questions about automation. IP office is not giving me any specific issues, but when issues do pop up a reboot normally fixes them unless there is an issue with the carrier. Being able to automate reboots would be incredibly helpful and prevent the off chance that I would need to reboot one of the systems in the middle of business hours.
Most IPOs I know have uptime of more than or many hundred days.

If you really want to reboot you can search for an option to switch the power of with a schedule.

From what I heard about the latest 11.0 releases a reboot with IP phones can take hours until the system runs stable again...

Need some help with IP Office? CLI based cale blocking: SCN fallback over PSTN:
Thank you for the response derfloh. I appreciate the help but cutting the power is a pretty terrible option for an automated reboot. I can't really understand why you can schedule a single reboot but not weekly or monthly.

I understand the IPO can run for upwards of 100 days. Half of the computers I service run that long as well, but I still tell everyone to reboot weekly.

And wow, that really makes me want to NEVER upgrade lol
are you running Avaya IP Office Server Edition or Avaya IP office 500 V2?

If you are having issues with a 500 V2 and needing to reboot, then you have some database issues, possibly some corruption. I have dozens of 500V2 systems and can't remember the last time I had to reboot to fix something.
I we have multiple 500 V2s. As I mentioned before, I am not currently having issues that are mandating that I reboot other than maintenance. I do not believe we have any database issues or any corruption.

I do occasionally have some channels on the PRI that seem to get stuck being idle. Not very often at all, but rebooting will generally set everything back to normal for another few months or however long it may be.

The main point being that all servers and computers are designed to run for long periods of time. I have a wifi controller that can run for a long time. Occasionally, it would hang up and I would need to reboot to fix it. About a year and a half ago, I created a script that reboots the controller and all wifi units every Sunday at 2 AM. I have not got a single call since I did that (concerning the wifi). If I could schedule a periodic normal maintenance reboot of the IPO, I would never have to worry about manually rebooting them.

Reboots are or hardware chnges only!

if you are having problems with yur iP Offices then fi the underlying cause of the problem do not simply mask the issue by reboting & hopeing.

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am looking for a solution to automatically reboot the IP Office on a weekly or monthly basis. Posts telling me rebooting isn't needed are counter productive for both of us.
I disagree, sheduled reboots will not stop the problem, tying to find a way to achieve it is counter productive to you resolving your issue.
I hve maintained somthing in exces of 5000 ip officces for more than 18 years, regular scheduled reboots have never been required for any of these systems.
lock up of PRI channels is most likley a network provider issue 7 could hppen t any time - even 10 minutes after your reboot, the reset of the circuit merly masks that problem & is doing NO-ONE any favours.

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear
Rebooting a linux server will not cost me. Thank you again for your time. I don't work for the network provider and I have no control over their systems. I can call and inform them. I have never had issues with the PRI on a freshly rebooted system. I have only ever had them on systems with long uptimes.

With all due respect when the PRI locks and I reboot it, it is doing a huge favor for my company that can continue to operate. If I follow your suggestion the business would come to a stop.

Again, I am not looking for advice on not rebooting the system. I am well aware that you "aren't supposed to need to." I am also grateful to everyone here sharing their knowledge. However, I think the previous posts make it clear that I am aware of the implications of rebooting and I would still like a way to automate them.

you have coe to a sight asking professionals with long time eperience for advice
the advie from thos professionals is tht you are going down the wrong path
if you chouse to ignore that advice then fine

Do things on the cheap & it will cost you dear
Correct. Thank you for your input.

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