i keep getting invalid command, this is what i've typed to test and what i keep getting:
Invalid command.
i also tried this just to test it to see if i can at least open access:
Invalid command.
oops,i did have one, i must have let it out when i pasted it...
this is the most recent statement i've gotten so far. i'm not getting anymore "invalid command" statements and it's accepting it but it just isn't doing what i want it to do. maybe i'm just missing something. my task scheduler is on automatic and started... maybe you can take a look and let me know if u see anything else. i saved the path in a batch file and if i run the batch it works fine, but it's not working when i use it with AT. by the way, you've been a great help.
at 10:00 /every:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday "c:\access.bat"
this is in access.bat
I'm at home right now & I don't run NT here, but my first things to check would be permissions on the job... To be honest I haven't had much luck with AT and have always used the task scheduler which comes with the IE desktop update. I'd really recommend that you get it as you can do multiple schedules v. easily, and you can explicitly set user/pwd for each job - saves probs later.
Have you checked the event log - anything in there about why the job didn't run?
Btw, you shouldn't need the batch file - just the path\filename.mdb of the database should be enough for NT to launch Access with your DB - works fine for me.
Try the task scheduler - and let me know if it still doesn't work - I'll mark this thread.
it finally works!!!! thanks for all of your help. i went into WINNT and found the GUI task scheduler which is so much easier to use and it works perfectly. it just ran my report at 9:00 am just the way i wanted it. thank you all so much for all of your help. i appreciate it very much. thanks to you guys i've learned a lot about this process.
thanks again and have a nice day,
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