Hi All
I am using Clarion 5.5 Enterprise with Windows XP Home Edition. I have created 2 browse boxes on the same (ABC)browse procedure. The left hand browse is a Payee file display and the right browse is the Account files related to the Payee record.
ayeeNumber with a 1:many relation to ACC
I want to automark all related payee accounts that are within 5 days of the Account duedate by clicking a push button on the browse procedure.
All I need to know is how to do the auto process selection of the browse boxes.
These are the steps to explain in detail what I need.
Steps 1. I click on Automark button in the browse procedure
2. Autmark button's accept event excutes remaining steps
3. Select first Payee record in Payee browsebox
4. Select first Account record related to Payee
5. Do Automarking Routine(marking code already worked out)
6. Select next Account
7. Do Automarking Routine
8. Do rest of related Account records for the selected Payee
9. Select next Payee
10. Process related Accounts
11. Process all records until end of Payee file
12. Process last Payee's related Accounts
13. End Process
I thank you in advance for any help
I am using Clarion 5.5 Enterprise with Windows XP Home Edition. I have created 2 browse boxes on the same (ABC)browse procedure. The left hand browse is a Payee file display and the right browse is the Account files related to the Payee record.
I want to automark all related payee accounts that are within 5 days of the Account duedate by clicking a push button on the browse procedure.
All I need to know is how to do the auto process selection of the browse boxes.
These are the steps to explain in detail what I need.
Steps 1. I click on Automark button in the browse procedure
2. Autmark button's accept event excutes remaining steps
3. Select first Payee record in Payee browsebox
4. Select first Account record related to Payee
5. Do Automarking Routine(marking code already worked out)
6. Select next Account
7. Do Automarking Routine
8. Do rest of related Account records for the selected Payee
9. Select next Payee
10. Process related Accounts
11. Process all records until end of Payee file
12. Process last Payee's related Accounts
13. End Process
I thank you in advance for any help