Help (again!)
I'm trying to autofill a column of data with a sequence number. I can find the range I need to fill no problem (thanks to the wonderful FAQ section ), but for some reason I'm getting an error on my autofill. Any suggestions?
Thanks a million!
Sub fillit()
Dim LastRow As Integer ' Find the last real row
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
LastRow = LastRow - 11
Range("B16".FormulaR1C1 = "=+R[-1]C+1"
Selection.AutoFill _
Destination:=Range("B16:B" & LastRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("B16:B" & LastRow).Select
End Sub
I'm trying to autofill a column of data with a sequence number. I can find the range I need to fill no problem (thanks to the wonderful FAQ section ), but for some reason I'm getting an error on my autofill. Any suggestions?
Thanks a million!
Sub fillit()
Dim LastRow As Integer ' Find the last real row
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
LastRow = LastRow - 11
Range("B16".FormulaR1C1 = "=+R[-1]C+1"
Selection.AutoFill _
Destination:=Range("B16:B" & LastRow), Type:=xlFillDefault
Range("B16:B" & LastRow).Select
End Sub