I am curious ... is there a way to auto-center reports?? Whenever I open my reports (manually or from code), they're always off center and usually focused on the bottom-right corner of the report. Any ideas or suggestions? Thnx! (^_^)
Hi Ken,
Thanks for your reply, however it seams that this property only available in access 2002 and my client have the 2000 version.
do you have an idea how to go around this problem ?
thanks again
I'm sure there's a way to do it in code by determining the report's size relative to that of the Access window, then using the MoveSize method to position the report in the center. My brain is too fuzzy to try to figure it out this late at night, tho.
A quick and dirty work-around would be to open the report in design view, then drag it to the center of the window (or as close as you can eyeball it), then save the report, then close it. The last position of the report is saved with it, so it will open in the same spot next time.
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