I have a questions about some actions our autoattendant is taking. When a calling rings in and selects zero to speak to an operator, it forwards directly to the operator voicemail box. This happens despite the fact that the operators are logged into the attendant console. It was working good yesterday (don't we all say that!).
I'm a newbie with Callmanager so please forgive if this is a stupid question. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a questions about some actions our autoattendant is taking. When a calling rings in and selects zero to speak to an operator, it forwards directly to the operator voicemail box. This happens despite the fact that the operators are logged into the attendant console. It was working good yesterday (don't we all say that!).
I'm a newbie with Callmanager so please forgive if this is a stupid question. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.