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AUTO dial up & function key emulation

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Technical User
Jan 9, 2004
Is there a script or a simple way to get procomm to dial an entry as well as logging in?
I have a logon script which works once the dial up connection is made, but as I want to schedule lots of dial ins and log ins and system checks, I want to be able to schedule a dial up connection for each site and use scripts and have it capture to a file.

Also , can u emulaate the Function keyys (f7 etc) for next page in a command so I can capture more than one page.
To dial an entry (assuming a data connection), your script would need these lines:

dial DATA "entryname"
while $DIALING

where entryname is the connection you want to dial exactly as it appears in the Connection Directory.

To send the function keys, you would need to consult the file vkeys.inc in your ASPECT directory, then use transmit to send the appropriate value. In your case, an F7 would be represented by:

transmit 0x76

so when u say "entryname" can I dial an entry name from my directory? will it know to link it to that?
cause just now im doing
manual dial "tel number" but this isnt really practical with the amount of clients I have
got the "entryname" thing working.

the F key thing was for a capture thing.
there are 10 pages and I need to record all the pages in the file.
Also , in a script can u name a file?
I have been trying but can only turn capture on not name the file in a script.

All the things im doing seem the long way.

just now I have. :-
a script that dials a name entry, logins in auto, does display alarms, captures it to text file then logs off.
then a bat file runs and changes the name of the text file to include the date and time cause I cant get aspect to just insert current date. I found a script to pop up a box "usermsg" but thats no good cause that wont show up on a capture .cap file (or will it)

if u use the
To set the name of the capture file, use:

set capture file <name>

where <name> is just the name of the capture file. If you want it in a different path than the default capture path in Procomm, you'll need to use the set capture path command.

the function key bit doesnt work
transmit 0x76
I have to put &quot;0x76&quot; is that why it aint working?
If I dont put them in I get an invalid string.
its a zero yeh and not the letter o ?

i had a look in the .inc file and its great u can see everything. But am I meant to do something with the file so the script knows what 0x76 is? or is it enough that the file is just in the same directory
i tried to include the VKEYS.INC file and I think I did it cause it compiles fine.
But, the transmit f7 dont work

I tried the recorder and when I push f7 a few times and at the end f1 I get this kinda thing
whats all the brackets? and letters?
each screen output seems different so how can it be waitin for the same thing?

transmit &quot;display capacity^M&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot; 5&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OV&quot;
waitfor &quot;^[[0m&quot;
transmit &quot;^[OP&quot;
Oops, I got a little too rushed in my last post. Instead of transmit 0x76 it should have been sendvkey 0x76.

If you have a line reading:

#include &quot;vkeys.inc&quot;

then your statement should look like:

sendvkey VK_F7

guys its just not working the way I want it to.

I run it straight from the script, which opens procomm itself and dials up itself.
the capture file though .cap, just doesnt keep the formatting that is on the screen, which is what I really need.
no point having lots of mixed up date if I dont know what fields it relates to.

what am I doing wrong?

I have this jsut now to make the file, so what bit aint working?

; Now concatenate the capture filename together
strcat CapName &quot;Test_&quot;
strcat CapName DateString
strcat CapName &quot;_&quot;
strcat CapName TimeString
strcat CapName &quot;.cap&quot;

;Starts capture file and sets capture options
set capture overwrite on
set capture query off ;
set capture file CapName ;
capture on ; Open up the capture file.
pause 3 ;
If you create the capture file manually (use the Data | Capture File menu item to open and close the capture file at the correct time), does it look correct? If not, you'll need to adjust the settings in the Setup dialog. To do this, select the Options | Data Options | Setup Files menu item in Procomm, then click on the Setup button to the right of the Capture listbox.

yup thats the one I Was needing!
finally figured it out last week.

cheers :)
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