Hi I am not sure if this was what you are asking but I use the following to load my application. The code is in the default page which than opens the main page. Anyway, maybe it will spark another idea for you.
function load()
// 768+ Allows for TabletPC and 800x600 PC Clients
if (window.screen.width < 768)
alert("This application requires a screen resolution of at least 800x600. Please increase the resolution of your display.")
// Load main page
window.open("main.aspx","main", "height=" + (window.screen.availHeight - 60) + ", width=" + (window.screen.availWidth - 14) + ", top=0, left=0, menubar=0, location=0, resizable=1, status=1, scrollbars=1");
// Do not close the window if it is the Application
if (window.name != "default")
// Destroy this Window
var oMe = window.self;
oMe.opener = window.self;
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