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Aughhh! Opening then Closing Excel in App - Excel remains in memory 7

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Feb 2, 2000
On my form I have a routine Private Sub SendToExcel() in which I have this code:<br>
Dim objExcel as Excel.Application<br>
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook<br>
Dim objWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet<br>
Dim objRange As Excel.Range<br>
I then open Excel as:<br>
Set objExcel = GetObject(&quot;&quot;, &quot;Excel.Application&quot;)<br>
objExcel.Visible = False<br>
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Add<br>
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False<br>
The recorset is sent to Excel and formatted. I end with:<br>
Set objExcel = Nothing<br>
Set objWorkSheet = Nothing<br>
Set objWorkbook = Nothing<br>
Set objRange = Nothing<br>
I noticed during testing, that Excel was opening with a blank sheet but no errors occurred. I opened Task Manager and saw &quot;Excel&quot; listed 23 times, once for each time I ran the routine! <br>
The only time Excel was unloaded was if I ended my entire programme. My questions are:<br>
1. How to run only one Excel instance<br>
2. Unload Excel completely once this routine is finished.<br>
I certainly do not want 23 instances of this app.<br>
Thanks all - thank you, thank you!<br>
<p>Nicholas, Bank of America NetO<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>
You have to copy the data from the grid to the excel spreadsheet cell by cell. It's slow & ugly, but it works.

BTW, use the &quot;Range&quot; property in the excel worksheet with the cell name used twice: MyWorksheet.Range(&quot;A1..A1&quot;) = MyGrid.CellContents(iRow, iColumn)

Chip H.
The King,

ColID and Row ID are they actual fields in your grid?? I am trying to test this with a filed called Color....

sorry to bug
it is not a bug dvannoy
ColID is the Id for the excel column (the letters)
RowID is the Id for the excel rows (the numbers)


OK, so whats this part then RS_REP.Fields(ColIdx - 1)? I am a little confused on how you reference your datagrid.

based on the code in this thread, Excel will open fine. I have a datagrid with one field called Color.. this is just to allow me to test it.

I set my datagrid = rs

now the data gets into the grid fine. I put your code behind a command button and thats where I get errors saying not found in collection. and it highlites

objExcel.Range(ColId & RowID).Value = RS_REP.Fields(ColIdx - 1)

objExcel - did you dim that as excel.application, range or what?


sorry I am new to posting code, here is my click event:

Private Sub cmdExcel_Out_Click()
' this is where we output to Excel spreadsheet
' this is in General Declarations
' Dim objExcel As Excel.Application

On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = GetObject(, &quot;Excel.Application&quot;)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set objExcel = CreateObject(&quot;Excel.Application&quot;)
End If

objExcel.Visible = True
objExcel.WindowState = xlMaximized

RS_REP.MoveFirst ' my recordset that I used to populate my data grid
s = 0
r = RS_REP.Fields.Count
RowNum = 0
Do While (RS_REP.EOF = False)
s = s + 1
RowID = Trim(s)
For ColIdx = 1 To r
ColSet = Int((ColIdx - 1) / 26)
If (ColSet = 0) Then
ColId = Chr(ColIdx + 64)
ColId = Chr(ColSet + 64) & Chr((ColIdx - (ColSet * 26)) + 64)
End If
objExcel.Range(ColId & RowID).Value = RS_REP.Fields(ColIdx - 1)
Next ColIdx
Set objExcel = Nothing

On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

ok maybe I didn't explain myself well the first time
I tried to do this off of a data grid but didn't get it to work so I use the recordset (RS_REP) that I used to poputate my data grid. so I don't use the data grid I use the recordset that I used to fill the data grid.

Hope this helps.
Tell me if it does.

Thanks worked perfect..tryed to give you a star but I guess your not a member.

Thanks again
Wow really?

I always thought I was a member.

What else do I need to be a member I wonder.

Had the same problem. The user was the one to close Excel, but an instance stayed in memory. This fixed my problem...

'In the declarations:
Dim WithEvents xlBook As Excel.Workbook

'the calling procedure:

Dim ExpName As String

ExpName = xlsfile ' the name of the excel file I am opening

ADb.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, UseQueryName, ExpName, True 'Save the spreadsheet

On Error GoTo excelerror

Set xlBook = GetObject(ExpName)
xlBook.Application.Visible = True
xlBook.Windows(1).Visible = True


MsgBox (&quot;Error &quot; + Str$(Err.Number) + Chr$(13) + Err.Description + Chr$(13) + Chr$(13) + &quot;Could not open Excel spreadsheet&quot;)

exit sub

'in the form code:
Private Sub xlBook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)


Set xlBook = Nothing

End Sub

Let me know if this helps - this is my first replay, I hope I can be some help, I sure have gotten a lot of help from here!

The King,

did you ever figure out a way to make the label names for the fields being exported to excel follow?? I have alot of data on my forms and it gets a little hard to tell what goes with what since the column names in excel are not named after the export...


You can also enumerate through the active processed looking for excel.exe in memory.
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