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Audix voice mail trouble

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Technical User
Mar 5, 2003
My PBX (G3SI R8.2) and Intuity Audix R3.3 on a Map 5 platform experienced a Commerical power outage that lasted longer then what the UPS could support. As you can amagine both didnt get powered down gracefully as the batteries failed to hold the power load of these devices.

After discovering (both dead) this i turned the power off on the PBX and Voice mail until Commerical power was restored.

I then restored power to the PBX first. Allowing it to boot up and start providing service. Then i started my voice mail.

After the voice mail fully booted up i was unable to to get messages or even have phones roll to voice mail. When i call the main VM number i get a "ATB" (All trunks busy) I can dial the 6 voice port directly and hit VM

As i mentioned above, I'm on a Map 5 platform running R3.3.
I have 6 voice ports.

In the PBX i have 6 Ext. built in a hunt group with a ext. of 5999. on page 2 of "CHA HUNT GROUP 4" the service is set to AUDIX. I change this parameter to "NONE" i can dial the main number and it completes the call. But VM doesn't recognize the station. Which im sure this is normal.
And page 3 have the 6 voice port members asigned.

The last 6 months i have been leaning this system by the seat of my pants.I've had some good and bad experiences. This one broke the camels back.

This being said, What is the proper start-up procedures for my situation. Secondly, It's apparent to me that there is a data link connected in parralell with the voice ports(There is a data box sitting on top of my VM) to provide data to the VM for station ID Etc. Which could be causing my "ATB" problem due to the lack of communication between the 2 boxes. Does this need to be reset and if so what do i need to do to reset it.

Any help would be greatly apreicated. I'd like to make this a learning experience with your help as im sure i could be faced with this isse in the future.



sounds like your using a x.25 link. try a status link 1 and see if it is up or down. try busying the link and releasing it.

Your right on the x.25 link. When i status link 1 it say's it's restarting.

I did a busyout and say it changed the service state to out-of-service.

I did a release and it said it was restarting. I can't get it passed this step.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,

I have identified that i am using a "MPDM" to interconnect my VM to my PBX. Ihope this clears up the hardware being used.


you might try busying out the link from the VM side then busy out the switch side, then release the vm and then the switch. if this dosent work, you may have a problem with the data module you are using. sometimes a power surge can wipe these devices out. what type are you using? 7400, 8400?

When you refer to a 7400 or 8400 data module, your talking about the physical hardware the interconnectes the VM aren't you???

I box that sits in the middle is blue in color and only has MPDM stenciled on it.

How do i busy out my voice mail side?
Ok i found where to busy out the VM side. I busied and release per you directions and had no luck.

The MPDM act's like it's tring to pass data. When i release the link it lights up and looks normal. But of course this doesn't last only 20 sec. or so.

I guess i'll need to break out my credit card on this one.
I'm probably too late to answer this, been out sick but did you try a Attended reboot of your voice mail system only? I have Intuity Audix and this has worked in the past for me on some issues. The system will give you system messages while it's rebooting. I make sure there is no disk in the drive them go off the main menu to System control and shutdown system. This only shuts it down for approx. 10 min. Can't hurt to try, if you do decide to try this, don't press any keys when the first login prompt appears, wait for the system to say Startup is complete.
We had a Avaya tech show up today.
They determined that the DPDM was faulty.

Because we are running R3.3, Avaya will not support the trouble.

Does anyone out there know where i can get a new or used MPDM? I have a PBX and voice mail upgrade in the works, But i didn't want to rush because of an external hardware failure.

Any help would be greatly apreciated,

You may be able to get a used one through an Avaya Business Partner. I'm sure these parts are still out there, and probably pretty cheap by now. Good luck!
Your MPDM is probably ok...if you have the proper permissions do the following.
Change comm link
on the link that shows audix change the status of enable from y to n and enter
then go back and put a y back in.
this will restart the link on the comm channel

Good luck hope it works for you
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