I've a problem with the attenuation/amplification signals of analog extensions.
FIRST i changed the trm for an extension 2000(excac :dir=2000, trm=1
THEN i made some changes on trm matrix (sacos: unit=SACOS:UNIT=SCP, LIM=4,SECTOR=REL, ADDR=51&59,DATA=12
i choose lim=4 because the extension 2000 is in lim 4.
THEN i attenuate the signal with lsati:lim=4,law=a,aval=12+99);
i made a call from extension 1000 which has trm=0. RESULT: NO CHANGE!!! i can hear very good and even when i made lscop : equ = equ of extension 2000, i've attn=2
normaly i would have attn=12, but this is not the case!!!!
please help me to find where the problem is??
I've a problem with the attenuation/amplification signals of analog extensions.
FIRST i changed the trm for an extension 2000(excac :dir=2000, trm=1
THEN i made some changes on trm matrix (sacos: unit=SACOS:UNIT=SCP, LIM=4,SECTOR=REL, ADDR=51&59,DATA=12
THEN i attenuate the signal with lsati:lim=4,law=a,aval=12+99);
i made a call from extension 1000 which has trm=0. RESULT: NO CHANGE!!! i can hear very good and even when i made lscop : equ = equ of extension 2000, i've attn=2
normaly i would have attn=12, but this is not the case!!!!
please help me to find where the problem is??