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Attemping change of Group Sort causes CR 8.5 to close!

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Jun 18, 2003
When in the Design tab of CR 8.5.0, I right click and use "Change Group..." to choose a sort on a different formula field for either Group Header #1a and/or Group Header #2a. When I click on the Preview tab, Microsoft closes out CR with this message:
"Crystal Reports has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." The error report begins with this:
AppName: crw32.exe AppVer: ModName: crw32.exe
ModVer: Offset: 001193ea
If I keep the current sorts, I can refresh the report, etc. I have switched back and forth between different group sorts in the past; now I'm stymied. Any ideas?
I have found that sometimes when the shortcut you use to launch CR does not actually point to the crw32.exe file itself, but to a location in your profile, odd errors like that happen..

Try creating a new shortcut on your desktop and specify the explicit location of your crw32.exe and also have it start there.

May not be why, but will eliminate it if it is..

Thank you, Turkbear. I tried to do what you suggested, with the same poor results. I created a shortcut icon and in the shortcut tab of Properties, I filled in the previously blank "Start in" box with:
Was this what you intended? Any other suggestions?
I would first make sure that you have the latest service pack:

If that fails, isolate the offending formula and post it's contents here.

Also try not to mix terms, if you're using Change Group, you're NOT changing the sort, you're changing the Group.

To change the sort use Report->Sort (something like that, the syntax is slightly different between versions).

nope, I meant:
New Shortcut
C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions10\Crystal Reports 10\crw32.exe"

Start in
"C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions10\Crystal Reports 10\

Replace with your actual file locations..

Also follow Synapse's advice...

Turkbear and Synapsevampire,
I reintalled CR 8.5 and re-recreated the shortcut. filling in the "Start in" blank with:
"C:\Program Files\Seagate Software\Crystal Reports\crw32". This didn't do the trick.
When right-clicking Group Header #2a and choosing Change Group... I get this prompt:
"When the report is printed, the records will be sorted and grouped by:" I actually made that change successully.
However, when doing the similar process for Group Header #1a, I get bounced out when I choose this formula field:
//This formula field is used for a RC Group Header #1 -- Format Section --
//New Page Before X-2 formula
//for the Group #2 sort on GradYrMoDegNameCAPSNameIDDegSeq#:
{@Graduation Year & Month} + "." +
{@Degree Name on Diploma}
I discovered that I can change to a sort on a field in the database; but the formula field still bounces me out.
What gives??
Hard to say, since the formula refers to other formulas that we don't know about.

Did you install the service pack?

It may be that the embedded formulas cannot be used for grouping, if they don't return values for each rows.

For instance:

If {table.field} = "Blah" then

Wouldn't work.

If {table.field} = "Blah" then

would work.

Now Crystal isn't supposed to shut down on you, but it does have that annoying habit sometimes when it gets confused.

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