Hi all
PC World (spits!) have a Athlon 2600+ AMD Processor in a Box for just over £60.00
Is this a good deal ? (Dabs have it for £90.00)
or is it already out of date as an upgrade ?
If its a good'un which MOBO would you guys recommend ?
I'll answer the first part of your question. The 2600+ is still a very good processor.
My Comp. is running a 1.0 Ghz processor, 256 MB of RAM and it's pretty fast.
I don't know what the exchange is on your currency, but I'd say the average price for a 2600+ is about $100 American. So you decide if it's a good deal or not.
Whooa spooky that the "Gigabyte nForce 2 ATX A V L R" is the "Gigabyte GA-7N400pro" or did you know that paparazi ?
guess I'm on the right track, all I need now is the dosh to buy it all !
Cheers all
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