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asus v6600 deluxe capture issue "...a video port is required..." 1

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Technical User
Feb 2, 2001
Whenever I try to run ASUS LIVE on my ASUS V6600 DELUXE , I get the following error after the splash screen:

Your display device (or driver) does not support a video port.
A video port is required for ASUS Live.

I have also tried this with other video capture programs, and get similar errors. I have uninstalled and reinstalled released drivers on the ASUS site (and also the newer beta drivers). I even used the drivers on the CD that came with the 6600 deluxe. Any suggestions?

The devices I have tried to connect to the card were my sega dreamcast (which worked on my older computer 400mhz bx motherboard), and my video camera.

I found there was no specific 6600 deluxe BIOS on the asus support (driver) page... but I did flash my bios a few times with a few different versions for the 6600 series. None of them made a difference..even after uninstalling and reinstalling my drivers and graphic software.

I have an A7V motherboard, Athlon TBird 900mhz, 128MB-VC133 ,ASUS v6600 deluxe, SB Live, and a couple of IBM Deskstar ata-100 harddrives. (running windows98:SE w/ necessary window updates)
I have a similar problem, but more quirky. When I try to open Asus Live to do video capture it complains that either

1. My video board has no TV tuner (duh -- the video I'm sending it is already decoded), or 2. My monitor doesn't support I2C bus control.

Here are the quirks. When I plug my VCR video out into the video in port of the Asus v6600 and boot my computer... I lose my ability to switch to TV out (gives me the TV tuner warning again). If I unplug the video in and reboot... TV out works just fine.

If I start the machine with nothing plugged into the video in, I can actually start the Asus live software. Once started if I plug the video in I can see the video with the software, and I can capture single frames. However, when I try to capture video it says, Can not start capture, video protected by Macrovision. (Even though it's a home made movie coming from a camcorder).

If anyone knows how to correct this I'd be greatly indebted for the info. Thanks!
mercenary: Yes.. I have used pretty much every driver that will work with and nothing still works. If only ASUS had some real tech support.. darn

Same problem here. I've try to re-install Win98SE and WinME from scrap and nothing to do. Different driver from Asus and nVidia, flash and re-flash BIOS. Different version of Asus Live! and also MGI VideoWave 4.

All software are unable to detect video capture option; I2C error with Asus Live! and "no capture port" with MGI VideoWave.

Still no answer from Asus! If someone solve this trouble.. please, sent me one Email ! (fido_dido_30@hotmail.com)
Here are the steps:

1) Get ASUS LIVE ver 4.5 (4.6 etc do not work!)
2) Uninstall older versions of ASUS LIVE (do not have to reboot)
3) Install ASUS LIVE ver 4.5 (do not have to reboot)
4) Try to see if ASUS LIVE works. If it does not, try rebooting and check again
5) If this still does not work, then get ver 5.33 of ASUS DRIVER for Windows 2000 and
unzip the contents
6) Go to Display - Settings - Advanced - Driver - Update Driver and let it update the driver to
version 5.33
7) Reboot machine
8) Repeat 1 - 4 above
It should work.

Download aliveb45.zip from

Download 533w2k.zip from

curiousmetoo: I followed your directions step by step, but I was not able to install the w2k drivers (probably because I have win98)

If you have any other ideas, please let me know. thanks.
I'd just like to say that after almost a YEAR... Asus released some new(final) drivers that have finally fixed my problem...

good job there asus.. good job. =/
What drivers? I am using 3.75 and I still have the same problem, how did you fix this? win win 9x? (me/)98

Video Decoder detecting occurs error!
1. Your display card doesn't have a Video decoder
2. Your monitor or monitor driver is not proper design for I2C Bus control.



Anyone got any further on this? I've had this problem for a while and have tried all versions with all drivers I can find (under 98 and 2000). It did work in an old machine I had. I have tried to get this going on and off for a year (everytime I notice new drivers and software).

Can't even use TV out because it doesn't recognise that the card has it!

I don't think I'll be buying another ASUS....
I just talked to Asus America about this problem and they are telling me to temporarily remove all of the PCI devices from my system to see if it will work (they think it's an IRQ conflict). I previously had a few weird issues due to my SB Live card, so this might make sense. Slot 1 (the closest slot to the AGP) shares the same IRQ, so this slot should be avoided.

The technician also said that Asus recommends a minimum 250W supply... though I think this is unlikely to be the cause.

I was pretty surprised to get a human voice on Asus' tech support line after only a few minutes.

I FIXED IT!!!!!!!! (On Windows ME)
BUT now there is a different problem, read on.
Maybe you may have better luck, let us know.
This is HOW I did it (June 21, 2001)

1. Okay, I downloaded (Again) these:

v5.33A's Display Drivers and
v12.60 Detonator3 reference driver (tech support said so)

You *do* need the v5.33a'a (above) drivers in order to run any AsusLive version above 4.0, if you already have them installed, you don't need to DL them again.

v4.6 beta 5 Asus Live
(True like the above Post, AsusLive 4.6B5 DIDN'T work, but it does now, they must have fixed it, -REDOWNLOAD IT, if you downloaded it before June 21, 2001)

2. I removed AsusLive, and installed v4.6b5.
(I also removed Asus Display drivers, but I don't think this was required)

4. So I tried it,(with all the cards in, all drivers installed right) and I got no such error, and now I get that ***Pink Screen.***

I do get email from their tech support, (tsd@asus.com.tw)
Always telling me the same thing. ie:

(1st email,
Please install the latest version of ASUS Live utility v4.6 beta 5 to have a try. You can download it from:

I replied with the No-Go on that software, (that I2c.dll error) and they didn't reply. I have a fishy feeling that nobody replies if they don't have an answer.

(2nd email,
First please try to update the VGA card driver. Our latest VGA card driver is based on nvidia Detonator3 reference driver. So you can use it freely on all our TNT/TNT2/Geforce/Geforce2/Geforce3 series VGA card. You can download the latest driver at the following URL:
If any future problem, please feel free let us know.

So thus it is.

I have Two of these cards, in two different computers, and I have swapped them in and out, and still the problem is attached to the card. I am using Windows ME and have tried it in Win98. All my drivers are Tip top shape. (bosh latest flashes) I have SBLive! in both too. But I tried it with those uninstalled, and removed, and still no dice. I have tried it with no cards in (but the v6600 Videocard,) etc... tried everything....
It's funny, I got a different recommendation from Asus Tech Support (over the phone in my case).

I now have a working v6600. The 6.49 drivers with Asus Live 4.5 didn't work, but then when I installed the 4.6 beta 5 driver it asked if I wanted to udate the existing capture drivers... and since then it is working fine. Not that the Asus capture capabilities are anything to write home about (pretty mediocre really).

I'm going to try the new 12.60 drivers tonight... it should work.

Once thing that Asus cannot do to save their life: write software. I have been using Asus mobos (and I think they are good), but none of the custom software provided has ever proven valuable to me. In fact their DMI software is downright frightening (including the Intel LDCM garbage).

Finally, Asus admitted I hav a ***bad card.*** Anyone know how to get some nice RMA instructions? I am my reseller.
Hey guys, I just got mine working. It used to give me the error message, 1. No decoder 2.I2C Bus control...yada yada yada. Anyways, what I found was that Asus Live would launch with no s-video cable plugged in! So guess what?? I changed over to the other S-Video cable (I think there was two included) and wah-la! It worked. Don't ask me why it shouldn't work with both cables, the chip they used for Vid-in is weird!

- |\| -
Yeah, I got it to work too... similar to Niteris. Here's how:

1) Boot your machine with the video-in unplugged.
2) run your video capture software
3) plug in the video-in cable to your video card
4) do your captures

Doing it this way STILL won't allow you to use TV out at the same time. But it WILL let you do captures.

Other downside, if you try to quit the software and load it back up... it won't work again, and you'll have to reboot... UNLESS you unplug the video cable BEFORE shutting down the software.

How stupid is that?
Hi, I never had much trouble with Win98se amazingly enough. But I just installed Win2k, and now video capture seems to "echo" both visually and aurally. It almost freezes the computer, yet drops 75% of the frames - regardless of any settings.

I think it's a problem with the capture driver or resources, because a "phantom" unknown device appears in device manager after it is installed. PnP won't let me change any of these resources. (There's an AIC-7850 SCSI controller and "ai2cnt" device on IRQ 11, along with this "Not Available" device). What's even more strange, is if you go into the driver properties for this unknown device, capture will cease functioning forever. And trying to change the legitimate capture driver's settings (under sound & video controllers) will sometimes cause a reboot!

I've tried everything I can think of (W2k SP2, BusMaster driver, AGP Miniport driver, bios, New and old Video driver, new and old Capture driver, Directx 8 & BDA update, etc.) I have an Asus v6600 deluxe, AMD Athlon 650, Gigabyte GA-7ix, and a dedicated 20gb Maxtor UDMA-66 drive. Everything works flawlessly, except for the video capture. :( Please help.

I have the same problem with my V7700 Deluxe card.

Asus Live seemed to work fine with the drivers supplied on the cd, but the stereoscopic D3D settings were all greyed out and I was unable to do anything so I installed the latest Beta drivers (12.90 I believe) and the stereoscopic mode would now work. However, the Asus Live is dead. I don't even care about the 3D goggles. I just wanted to see them in action once. I care about the video input and now it is not working at all. I've tried every possible driver combination with every possible Asus Live combination. It is frustrating. I don't understand why I can't go back to the original drivers and make it work that way.
stylin16, I have the exact same problem. I have the 5.33a drivers installed, and Asus Live B4.6. Now, Asus Live will boot and I see the pink screen, but that is all I see. I can't get it to display any video. I have used S-Video, Composite Video, and Digital Video out on my DVD player. Still nothing. When I try to capture from Asus Live I get the folowwing error:

"Connecting to capture driver occurs error....

Please check your capture driver is correctly installed or not, then restart your WINDOWS to reser your capture driver."

Speaking of which, My Asus Capture has never worked. Ever since I got my Asus V7700 Deluxe a year ago, I have yet to catch a single frame of video. I have tried evry combination of drivers and have used many different capture programs. I can say now I will not be getting another Asus card of any kind. I am really sick of this garbage.
I have the V7700 aswell.... And yes im having problems with AsusLive loading up... and also Asus Digital VCR only works on the display mode which lets you only view off the S-video in on the card. The capture settings wont even load, i get a square pink error box with no text in it:(. I really would like to get this working.. I tired to use the capture settings in Adobe premiere but I cant even figure out the settings i need, I only can get it asking for a DV inport:(.

Ive tried most of the drivers that everyone has suggested, and still same problems..

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