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Assistance with Learning VFP 9

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May 27, 1999
I am new to VFP but have had experience with other systems of a lowlier nature. My problem is I am having trouble finding books or information on the product in Australia. If you know of anywhere I could look I would certainly appreciate it.
Regards the previous discussions?  Are there academic accredited courses taught in VFP? Can you "major" or "minor" in VBF? My son is majoring in  business MIS (taking Java, C++ etc.) He says there is no opportunity to learn VBF in his university environment, am I missing something. . .I think vfp6 is muscule bound and can perform magic(if you program it right!). . .I can't imagine a "newer or better mouse trap". . .at least for what I'm doing. Java seems to be object oriented but "code" . .I've bot every book I can find (which there aren't many).  Most of the authors have a certain comeuppance, letting you know how much they know, but not how they know it. . . Reminds of my "statistics" teacher. Everyone "flunked". . .accept him! Any feed back would be deeply appreciated!
There just isn't that much out there for VFP.&nbsp;&nbsp;Microsoft has heavily promoted Visual Basic and has succeeded.&nbsp;&nbsp;It appears VB is Bill Gates' 'baby'.&nbsp;&nbsp;College accredidation for VFP is the same in my areas as in yours.&nbsp;&nbsp;No courses available.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>Here is a site with several books available.&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> as it is now, if my kid was taking up programming and entering the job market and if he had no preference and asked my advice I'd suggest VB first.&nbsp;&nbsp;That is if you're looking in the Help Wanted Ads.&nbsp;&nbsp;But if you look in todays paper at least around here it's also good to know several languages and not just one.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><br>In the next release of Visual Stuido VFP will get a little more respect at least as a builder of middle tier COMponents.&nbsp;&nbsp;More and more it is becoming necessary to learn more of the other tools available like you with Java or SQL Server, MTS, ASP, VB, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;The days of strictly xBase coding are thinning. <p>John Durbin<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= Certified Professional VFP Programmer</a><br>ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
Just agreeing about the paucity of learning materials for VFP.&nbsp;&nbsp;I learned FoxBase & FoxPro2.0 and am now trying to work effectively with VFP6.0, without the success that my employer wants to see.&nbsp;&nbsp;I own the VFP books (3.0 - 6.0) and they all seem to take the same pov:&nbsp;&nbsp;show the lowest 20% of the language that does 80% of the work, and show that fairly well; if users want more than that they can hire the author as a teaching consultant.&nbsp;&nbsp;(And if anyone will point me in the direction of materials where I can learn about complex SQL queries and complex reports ...)
I agree about the dearth of materials, especially for 2.6 converts.&nbsp;&nbsp;I started writing a VFP6 client-server book, and am about 70% finished, but I see that Hentzenwerke is set to release a similar book in a month, so I've abandoned the project.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'll probably put what I've done so far up on FoxDev for free access.<br><br>If you could get the &quot;book of your dreams&quot; (yeah, I know, we all have more interesting dreams than this), what would it contain?&nbsp;&nbsp;Everyone (especially me...I'm a little weak in COM) has different needs and projects-of-the-moment, so it would seem difficult to write a catch-all book, and probably foolish, too.<br><br>A book aimed at 2.6 converts?&nbsp;&nbsp;Or one aimed at people completely unfamiliar with FoxPro and xBase?&nbsp;&nbsp;Or something else? <p>Robert Bradley<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= - Visual FoxPro Development</a><br>
Robert, you know I think you hit the nail on the head.&nbsp;&nbsp;Specific topics.&nbsp;&nbsp;Nice too since it doesn't have to be 500, 800 or more pages.&nbsp;&nbsp;There was a publishing company that had lessons to follow along and get a certificate.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now I'm not so crazy about their certificate but following along each chapter and doing it is good.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Visuals we started on FAQ's should be included chapter by chapter.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now that I think about it heck I'd have a video come with it too.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>But really, topical books would be good.&nbsp;&nbsp;And one less expensive and not so big.&nbsp;&nbsp;That is an available niche IMO<br> <p>John Durbin<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= Certified Professional VFP Programmer</a><br>ICQ VFP ActiveList #73897253
How about a 'BASIC VFP' book. It is nice to see all the 'exotic' goodies out there but how about showing a 'neophite' the proper basics with FULL EXPLANATIONS and in simple language with plentiful samples and how tos.

I for one am still at quite a loss as to the 'Properties' of the Forms. EXACTLY what is each property, what does it REALLY do, and exactly HOW to use it.

For example, I did a Functional Conversion of one of my 2.6 Windows programs and have a hell of a time trying to find where my Snippets went! That is a good point, how do the 'Snippets' of 2.6 relate to VFP? Also my DBFs, do they become simple 'Tables' in VFP. What is the simple explaonation of the database Container. What is it's advantage, if any, over 'Tables, Yada Yada Yada....

If I can fully understand the 'Basics' of VFP I would have no problemn with the 'Exotics'. Also Microsoft Support SUCKS! I long for the days of FOX, Inc. Support.....
Be sure to check out the link I posted in the other thread, (thread184-189133) and look for one of the &quot;Hackers Guide to Visual FoxPro&quot;. Whatever version was the latest, I can't remember but it was one of the best books I read on VFP.

Dave S.

As to your your question on basic book I believe there is one at I know Whil Hentzen published a basic book using VFP 3 and I'm pretty sure he updated it.

However, I can state from personal experience, that I've not found one place that has Full Explanations in simple language for someone going from 2.6 to VFP.

You have to keep after it. One day you'll have an AHA on properties and methods, then you'll get all confused about an application object, then you'll have your AHA on the application object, then its time to move onto COM and Automation....etc.

You also need to change how you get support. I've long quit even thinking about MS except in terms of looking in the KB for bugs. I've used peer support, first in Compuserve now on the UT all thru my VFP learning.

And just to let you know, I think the peer approach is a much, much better way to go. Because you not only get the answers to questions about why your getting a variable not found message, but because you're talking to other developers, not just supports people, you can get answers to questions on how to approach and solve business problems also.
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