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.ASPX files aren't running

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Feb 26, 2001
I installed VS.NET and created a simple .ASPX file. When I browsed it in my browser, I could see all the ASP code when I viewed the source.

Why is IIS sending me the whole file rather than processing it? ------------------------------------
"Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!" - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
That's part of the visual studio.net install isn't it?

I also installed the redistributable runtime on one of our Win2K servers and I have the same problem. ------------------------------------
"Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!" - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
Yeah, if you did step 1 of the install, then you have the framework.

Hmmm...you have the folder that the file is located in as a virtual directory in IIS?

it's a real directory under VS.NET created that directory. ------------------------------------
"Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!" - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
you said:When I browsed it in my browser, I could see all the ASP code when I viewed the source.

So do you mean that the page displays properly in your browser, but when you view source you can see all your asp.net code?

Or did you mean that when you browse to the page, all you see in the browser is your asp.net code?
For example. The page had the following:

<% response.write (&quot;testing....&quot;) %>

That code did not execute. I got a blank page. Yet, when I view the source from the browser, all of the asp.net code is there. ------------------------------------
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
hmm...you're in visual studio, right? What happens if you put a few controls on the page?


p.s. if you have icq, message me. It's a bit faster than checking the boards every few minutes

ICQ won't work through our firewall. I added a text box, browsed the page and this is what came up through view source:

<%@ Page Language=&quot;vb&quot; AutoEventWireup=&quot;false&quot; Codebehind=&quot;WebForm1.aspx.vb&quot; Inherits=&quot;WebApplication1.WebForm1&quot;%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;GENERATOR&quot; content=&quot;Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 7.0&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;CODE_LANGUAGE&quot; content=&quot;Visual Basic 7.0&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;vs_defaultClientScript&quot; content=&quot;JavaScript&quot;>
<meta name=&quot;vs_targetSchema&quot; content=&quot; </HEAD>
<body MS_POSITIONING=&quot;GridLayout&quot;>
<form id=&quot;Form1&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; runat=&quot;server&quot;>
<asp:TextBox id=&quot;TextBox1&quot; style=&quot;Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 322px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 100px&quot; runat=&quot;server&quot;></asp:TextBox>
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
k, well its definately not your code. When I run it, I get a browser with the text box, and it doesn't show any asp in the view source...what else could it be. Just so we're clear:
- IIS is running?
- your file is in a virtual directory?
- you can view other pages on your web server no problem,
or do they all do this? (might be a project-specific

-IIS is running
-It's not a virual directory
-I can view other pages no problem. My ColdFusion app runs fine. This is my first jab at VS.NET and all I was hoping to do was just verify that .ASPXes do run before I start digging deeper. ------------------------------------
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
should there be something for .aspx in the ISAPI settings for IIS? ------------------------------------
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
hmmm...not that I know of.

What happens if you create a new web project and try and view it. Same thing?

Oh, something else to check: what happens when you run the web page from within Visual Studio?
: What happens if you create a new web project and try and view it. Same thing?

I created a new web project. It wouldn't save the asp (not aspx) page I created to the directory under but when I manually put it there, it runs (just has a response.write)

: Oh, something else to check: what happens when you run the web page from within Visual Studio?

The original aspx page? Just a blank window. ------------------------------------
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
k, that sounds a bit wanky...

what happens if you try a new web project, but create an aspx file and save it? Does it let you?
It lets me save the file, but when I browse the page, it's not being processed. IIS just spit the page back at me without doing anything with it. ------------------------------------
&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
Can you email me your project files?


I found the problem. For some reason, the mappings weren't made in IIS to handle .ASPX files....and still aren't after three reinstalls. It won't even let me (the admin) add any more mappings. :(

&quot;Unclean beast! Get thee down! Be thou consumed by the fires that made thee!&quot; - Brother Jacobus in Dragonslayer
thats really weird. We didn't even have to bother with the mappings at all, it just...well, it just worked!

when you say you reinstalled, did you mean just vs, or the framework too?
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