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ASP won't recognize dynamically built SQL crosstab columns

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Jun 10, 2002
Background info:
I have a main SQL stored procedure that calls the crosstab stored procedure found on the website below:

I return the SQL statement (@sql) from the crosstab stored procedure into the main stored procedure and then run an [blue]EXEC (@sql)[/blue] command.

SQL Query Analyzer runs the stored proc without any errors and returns a recordset with 5 columns. The first two column names are static and the last three column names are dynamically built by the crosstab.

When I access the recordset from an ASP page, the ASP page only thinks there are 2 columns (the columns with static names). I returned a field count and field names to the webpage using code below:
        Dim fld
	Response.Write "Field Count:" & rs.Fields.Count 	For each fld in rs.Fields
		Response.Write fld.Name & "<BR>"
[red]Why won't ASP recognize the other columns????[/red] I've been searching for a solution online for two days and haven't found anything.
What if instead of just running the EXEC, you pump it into a temp table and then SELECT * FROM your temp table?

Also, a long shot, but might want to check to make sure ADO didn't stick your other fields into a child recordset.
I have tried the code below:
set @tempsql = 'SELECT * INTO #test1 FROM (' +  @sql + ') a SELECT * FROM #test1'
EXEC (@tempsql)

I get the same result. Is there another way to pump the results of the EXEC into a temp table? How would I check for a child recordset?
What I was trying to say is just make sure it isn't somehow being stuffed into a second recordset.

Use something like this to test for a second recordset:
Dim rs2
Set rs2 = rs.NextRecordset
For each fld in rs2.Fields
Response.Write fld.Name & "<BR>"

I don't expect there will be one but it is pretty quick to test and rule that out.
I get an "Object Required" error on this line of code
For each fld in rs2.Fields
OK then rs2 is Nothing and we can rule out the split recordset theory.
Is there a way to pump the results of the EXEC into a temp table directly? Something like SELECT * INTO #temp FROM EXEC (@sql)???
Do you need a CREATE TABLE first? I guess this would be a problem if you don't know the data types of the final 3 fields.
I don't know how many fields I will have. The recordset is a dynamic crosstab. The 3 fields I talked about were just an example.
Thanks for all of your help Sheco! I discovered the problem. The web user I was using to execute the stored proc didn't have permissions to tempdb - that's why you couldn't see the dynamically built columns. I can't believe it was something that simple!!
Hey thanks for the followup message to let us know how it worked out.

I never would have thought of THAT !
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