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ASP with Access database , what are the limits ... 4

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Technical User
Sep 23, 2003

im thinking off having a web database based on MS Access using ASP, but i would like to know whats the ups and downs of using this, mainly i ve heard different versions as to how many people can actually be simutaneously connected to the database at the sametime from the web server.

I ve been told by some that 2-3 will slow it to a crawl, and others who told 25 is the limit.

So i would really appreciate if any1 can gimme a bit of feedback who have done this before.

Many Thx.

I ve just read the comparison , and it says "Number of concurrent users - 255!" for Access97/2000 which i find hard to believe or im just reading it wrong .

Is this ok for a webserver that supports access database? reason why im not using SQL is because that i ve wrote a simple database program in VB base on access, and therefore need to have both system running on access for convienice.

I would really like to get some feedback on this as i really dont want to find out later when i get more than 3 people connecting to my website and it falls flat.

If you're not going to have more than 20-25 users accessing the database at one time, you should be okay using Access. If you know you're going to have more than 25 users constantly, I would consider switching to SQL Server.

Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.
-- Barry LePatner
I would not suggest using an access database as the primary backend on a heavy-traffic site, access was not designed for that... You're going to run into too many problem with the db locking, lagging, even crashing at times. SQL/MySql is handles data more effectively.

Yeah, I've experienced problems with 15-30 users on access

Thx a mill Alsoknowas, but i really dont have the time to make my Visual basic program to work with SQL/MySql, so im kinda stuffed at the moment , but i really dont expect more than 15 users on at the same time at all , so would i be safe?
You should be ok.

my 2 bits.

Access is a desktop database and should stay there.
I've run into far to many instances where access "breaks" in a multiple trasaction situation. From 20 users hitting it to 2 users bagging on it.

MySQL is free and if the $$ are not there for a more managable and stable database that is built for this type of usage like SQL Server, then you should go with it.

I have the resolution perfect in my mind, but it never seems to fit on the screen quite the same way
The main problem with access is there is a fuzzy limit of about 5-10 concurrent users after which various bad things can/could happen. The key here is that well-designed pages only connect into your DB for less than 1 second (sometimes way less), and only when they need to. So you could have hundreds of people viewing your site at once, without ever going over the (low) fuzzy limit of 'concurrent users' - because most folks spend their time reading pages, not madly refreshing them.

If you have to use access, you can certainly get by with it for a low-medium traffic site.

Start with this very, very comprehensive page about the limitations of access. It has LOTS of links to further info.

But be sure to read this very enlightening thread of conversation called 'the truth about access', which presents a view of the other side.

Good luck, let us know what you end up using.

Posting code? Wrap it with code tags: [ignore]
Almost forgot you can start using MSDE(Microsoft Database Engine) wich should be shiped with the Office Kitt as i remember.
As you can see in this link this does not use Jet Driver connection but MSDE driver connection. havent tested with more then 2 3 users yet but should work ok if it's uses MSDE engine and not Jet. It looks like a limited SQL Server with maximum 255 concurent connection.

George, M
Yes i've made a mistake the real name it's
"Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine" and it's on the Office XP Cd's.

George, M
Thx a mill Clarkin and shadow.

You folks gave me a lot better understanding on this issue, however , i will stick with Access at the moment, as i thought clarkin was great to point out that my project should be gearing towards "work smarter" with my existing resources .

What i ll most likely be doing is to have a streamline version of the database when its upload onto the web server as half the contents are not suppose to be viewedby the general public.

And yes , i will be looking into SQL/MySql on a later date in development, as i really am struggling for time at the moment.

As Again , i would like to express my gratitude to every1 who has help me in this topic.

Many Thx
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