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asp sendmail script - small & simple

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Oct 1, 2001
does anyone have an asp sendmail script that works?
I'm loking for something very small and simple - no form required - just an asp that simply sends a small smtp message via the smtp server of my choice.
I can add the form elements in later - just a working script I can use and build upon using IIS6.


Phil Blythe
Here's a simple subroutine to play with.
Sub SendEmail(myTo,myFrom,myCC,mySubject,myBody)
Dim myMail
SET myMail = server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
myMail.To = myTo
myMail.From = myFrom
myMail.CC = myCC
myMail.Subject = mySubJect
myMail.BodyFormat = 0
myMail.MailFormat = 0
myMail.Body = myBody
Set myMail = Nothing
This is for sending HTML email. If you want to send plain text change the MailFormat & BodyFormat values to 1.
urrrr. very odd - internal server error again.
I'm having problems here...
No other error message given in the browser, just err 500 - internal server error - the server is hosting .htm & html OK. Scripting is enabled. Verrry odd indeed.

I must be missing something with regards to the server config... it's a standard build of 2003 server / IIS6.

asp is working fine. A simple asp hello world works fine so I think ASP is OK.
Is an IIS6 thing, as the problems I've been encountering today are all on this IIS6 box.
When I had IIS5 all was fine and no problems of any sort.

Is there something I'm not aware of in IIS6?
Is the CDONTS object available?

Try switching off "friendly" error messages in your browser and you may get a little more information.
Tools | Inernet Options | Advanced tab - clear check box for Show friendly HTTP messages
Are you using XP? If so cdonts.dll is not included. You'll have to download and register it.
Try CDO:

Dim objMail
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With objMail
.To = "them@them.com"
.CC = "her@she.com"
.From = "you@yourself.com"
.Subject = "CDO Test"
.TextBody = "Hello World"
End With
set objMail = nothing
Win2003 - I have been informed by a programmer that CDONTS isn't part of IIS6/Win2003.
Blew my mind to find out that Micro$oft haven't bothered to make their products backward compatible...

Anyway, done the job using PHP (which until yesterday I'd never even seen). PHP is so easy to use - food for thought....

I would agree that mailing items in PHP is tons easier, but (come on, you knew it was coming), if you wanted to redo your entire app in PHP, you'll most likely be in for a mild surprise. All-in-all yes, PHP is easier, however, you'll most likely find that the "harder, in-depth" stuff was easier in ASP ... until you feel VERY comfortable with PHP.
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