OK, I've tried all the tutorials on emailing in FLASH and they're not seeming to help me out.
Here's the link:
If you enter the eCard and hit the '2.) tell' button, it'll take you to the form.
As you can see, its a "email your friends" type of form. So, I need all the info in the form to be sent to the specified recipiants along with the either a link to the eCard, or (preferably) the eCard itself. I don't need it to customize text into the form, I just need it to get it to thier inboxes.
I can't seem to make the ASP scripting work. I've followe all the guidelines in the tutorials, but I must be doing something wrong (I don't understand ASP scripting very well).
Could someone please help me right the script? I'm lost as to what to do.
Thanks a ton!
Here's the link:
If you enter the eCard and hit the '2.) tell' button, it'll take you to the form.
As you can see, its a "email your friends" type of form. So, I need all the info in the form to be sent to the specified recipiants along with the either a link to the eCard, or (preferably) the eCard itself. I don't need it to customize text into the form, I just need it to get it to thier inboxes.
I can't seem to make the ASP scripting work. I've followe all the guidelines in the tutorials, but I must be doing something wrong (I don't understand ASP scripting very well).
Could someone please help me right the script? I'm lost as to what to do.
Thanks a ton!