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ASP Form - trying to get 2 fields to validate

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Technical User
May 15, 2004

Have tried a number of different ways to create 2 mandatory fields in a form - the 'Postal Address' field and the 'Email' field. However my atempts to get this validation working have failed...can anyone help please?

Many thanks for any help in advance.

The form (order-form.asp) is here - the form code is here:
<div class="feedback">
				<form action="sendorder.asp" method="post" name="frmInput">
							<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>Download now?</b></td>
							<td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>Publication title </b></td>
							<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>How many copies? </b></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/action-plan-booklet.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="actionplan">The Pay and Employment Equity Plan of Action</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="actionplan" name="actionplan" size="3"/></td>
							<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>Fact Sheets </b></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-1-what-is-pee-ed3.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="whatpeeu">What is Pay and Employment Equity?</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="whatpeeu" name="whatpeeu" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-2-pee-plan-of-action-ed3.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="peeuaction">Pay and Employment Equity Plan of Action</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="peeuaction" name="peeuaction" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-3-joint-working-ed3.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="review">Working in a Joint Employer/Union Review Committee on Pay and Employment Equity</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="review" name="review" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-4-history-of-pee-in-nz-ed2.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="history">The History of Pay and Employment Equity in New Zealand</label>							</td><td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="history" name="history" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-5-definitions-ed3.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="definition">Definitions of Pay and Employment Equity Terms</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="definition" name="definition" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-6-pee-contestable-fund-ed3.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="fund ">Pay and Employment Equity Contestable Fund</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="fund" name="fund" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-7-pdf-faq.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="faqs">Frequently Asked Questions</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="faqs" name="faqs" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-8-pay-investigations.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="payinvestigations">Pay Investigations</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="payinvestigations" name="payinvestigations"  size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/fact-sheets/factsheet-9-equitable-job-evaluation.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="jobevaluation">Equitable Job Evaluation</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="jobevaluation" name="jobevaluation" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/news/reports/peeu-annual-report-05-06.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="annualreport">Steering Group Annual Report 05/06 </label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" id="annualreport" name="annualreport" size="3"/></td>
							<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>Case Studies</b><br/>The case studies provide review committees with a further practical resource, alongside the review workbook and the training programmes, of key learnings from organisations that have already conducted reviews. Summary and full case study versions are available.</td>
							<td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
							<td width="37">Sum.</td>
							<td width="41">Full</td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/case-studies/dol-full.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="sumdol">Department of Labour</label></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="sumdol" name="sumdol" size="3"/></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="fulldol" name="fulldol" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/case-studies/ero-full.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="sumero">Education Review Office</label></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="sumero" name="sumero" size="3"/></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="fullero" name="fullero" size="3"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/case-studies/ssc-full.pdf">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="sumscc">State Services Commission</label></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="sumscc" name="sumscc" size="3"/></td>
							<td><input type="text" id="fullscc" name="fullscc" size="3"/></td>
							<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><b>Assessment Tools</b></td>
							<td width="102"><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/assessment-tools/workbook.asp">Yes</a></td>
							<td width="338"><label for="workbook">Workbook</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" size="3" id="workbook" name="workbook"/></td>
							<td><a href="/services/PayAndEmploymentEquity/resources/eje-guidelines.asp">Yes</a></td>
							<td><label for="jetool">Equitable Job Evaluation Information</label></td>
							<td colspan="2"><input type="text" size="3" id="jetool" name="jetool"/></td>
					<table width="400">
							<th colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">Your Details</th>
							<th width="150" align="left" valign="top"><label for="name">Name:</label></th>
							<td><input type="text" size="40" id="name" name="name"/></td>
							<th width="150" align="left" valign="top"><label for="organisation">Organisation:</label></th>
							<td><input type="text" size="40" id="organisation" name="organisation"/></td>
							<th width="150" align="left" valign="top"><label for="postaladdress">Postal Address:</label></th>
							<td><textarea rows="5" id="postaladdress" name="postaladdress" cols="30"></textarea></td>
							<th width="150" align="left" valign="top"><label for="email">Email:</label></th>
							<td><input type="text" size="40" id="email" name="email"/></td>
							<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top"><br/><input name="frmInput" type="submit" id="frmInput" value="s e n d   o r d e r"/>

The process code (sendorder.asp) is here:

' declare variables
Dim EmailFrom
Dim EmailTo
Dim Subject
Dim Name
Dim Organisation
Dim PostalAddress
Dim Email
Dim Workbook
Dim actionplan
Dim whatpeeu
Dim peeuaction
Dim review
Dim history
Dim definition
Dim fund
Dim faqs
Dim payinvestigations
Dim jobevaluation
Dim annualreport
Dim sumdol
Dim fulldol
Dim sumero
Dim fullero
Dim sumscc
Dim fullscc
Dim jetool

' get posted data into variables
EmailFrom = Trim(Request.Form("EmailFrom")) 
EmailTo = "nicola.howard@dol.govt.nz"
Subject = Trim(Request.Form("Subject")) 
Name = Trim(Request.Form("Name")) 
Email = Trim(Request.Form("Email")) 
Organisation = Trim(Request.Form("Organisation")) 
PostalAddress = Trim(Request.Form("PostalAddress")) 
Workbook = Trim(Request.Form("Workbook"))
actionplan = Trim(Request.Form("actionplan"))
whatpeeu = Trim(Request.Form("whatpeeu"))
peeuaction = Trim(Request.Form("peeuaction"))
review = Trim(Request.Form("review"))
history = Trim(Request.Form("history"))
definition = Trim(Request.Form("definition"))
fund = Trim(Request.Form("fund"))
faqs = Trim(Request.Form("faqs"))
payinvestigations = Trim(Request.Form("payinvestigations"))
jobevaluation = Trim(Request.Form("jobevaluation"))
annualreport = Trim(Request.Form("annualreport"))
sumdol = Trim(Request.Form("sumdol"))
fullero = Trim(Request.Form("fullero"))
sumero = Trim(Request.Form("sumero"))
fullero = Trim(Request.Form("fullero"))
sumscc = Trim(Request.Form("sumscc"))
fullscc = Trim(Request.Form("fullscc"))
jetool = Trim(Request.Form("jetool"))

' prepare email body text
Dim Body
Body = Body & "Name: " & Name & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Organisation: " & Organisation & VbCrLf 
Body = Body & "Postal Address: " & PostalAddress & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Email: " & Email & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "The Pay and Employment Equity Plan of Action: " & actionplan & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "What is Pay and Employment Equity?: " & whatpeeu & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Working in a Joint Employer/Union Review Committee on Pay and Employment Equity: " & review & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "The History of Pay and Employment Equity in New Zealand: " & history & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Definitions of Pay and Employment Equity Terms: " & definition & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Pay and Employment Equity Contestable Fund: " & fund & VbCrLf& VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Frequently Asked Questions: " & faqs & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Pay Investigations: " & payinvestigations & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Equitable Job Evaluation: " & jobevaluation & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Steering Group Annual Report: " & annualreport & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: Department of Labour, Summary: " & sumdol & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: Department of Labour, Full: " & fulldol & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: Education Review Office, Summary: " & sumero & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: Education Review Office, Full: " & fullero & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: State Services Commission, Summary: " & sumscc & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Case Study: State Services Commission, Full: " & fullscc & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Assessment Tools: Workbook: " & Workbook & VbCrLf & VbCrLf
Body = Body & "Assessment Tools: Equitable Job Evaluation Information: " & jetool & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

	Set Email = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
	Set EMailConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") 'calls CDO configuration COM object
	'Set Flds = EmailConfig.Fields
	With EmailConfig.Fields
		.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing")[/URL] = 1 'tells cdo we are using the local smtp service
		.Item("[URL unfurl="true"]http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverpickupdirectory")[/URL] = "c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup" 'verify that this path is correct
		.Update 'updates CDOs configuration
	End With
	With Email
		.Configuration = EMailConfig
		.From = "dolsite"
		.Subject = "PEEU Publications Order"
		.TextBody = body
		.To = "nicola.howard@dol.govt.nz"
		.Bcc = "nicola.howard@dol.govt.nz"
	End With

	Set EMailConfig = nothing
	Set Email = Nothing
	Response.Redirect "orderdone.asp"
If you really want to do validation server side then use an If...End If block in your sendorder.asp which test for the length of your PostalAddress and Email variables, and change the Response.Redirect to the input form adding a suitable error message.

It is worth considering also using client side validation using Javascript (forum216) to catch most errors before the first form is posted. A search on that forum for 'validation' will surely give you a start with that.

If you want the best response to a question, please check out FAQ222-2244 first.
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thanks johnwn, got some javascript and seems to be working now.

thanks for taking the time to reply

question now closed.
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