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ASP does not work

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Sep 15, 1999
I had a couple hard drives crash on my web seerver, so I am doing a fresh install of NT Server 4.0 and IIS 4.0, I think; anyway, I got it off the Option Pack that comes with NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a. But when I configured everything, ASP is not working. I can see my websites's HTML pages just fine on the web, but not the ASP pages. I thought ASP was supposed to be implemented automatically when you installed IIS. What am I missing? Microsoft is NO help, as usual. [sig][/sig]
Yes,scripting is enabled and the IUSER account can access the computer thru the net. [sig][/sig]
Next check:
Go into the MMC, Go to the properties for your web site, on the Home Directory tab, click on Configuration, on the App Mappings tab, make sure that .asa and .asp are there.
[sig]<p>nick bulka<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= </a><br>Get your technical books at Bulka's Books<br>
Yes, they are there with PUT and DELETE exclusions - whatever that means. [sig][/sig]
Well, at this point, I'm not sure what to do. If it was me, I'd just uninstall and reinstall the option pack and hope it clears up the problem. Sorry I couldn't help more.
:-( [sig]<p>nick bulka<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= </a><br>Get your technical books at Bulka's Books<br>
The only thing I can think of, that nice bulka, hasn't suggest you try, is to check the ntfs permissions on the winnt directory.

If you have set any restrictions on the sub-directories of winnt especially the \system32 directory, you may have inadvertantly prevented access to system files that the iusr(machine name) account needs to run asp pages. Allow at least rx permissions to winnt and sub-directories for this account.. it is part of the guests group by default.

It is a long-shot but maybe it will work [sig][/sig]
try to remove the virtual directory where your asp pages reside. then create a new virtual dir. then map again the physical drive/path of your pages. this might work!!!

hope this help,
[sig]<p>Jun Nantes<br><a href=mailto:bhudz@junnantes.com>bhudz@junnantes.com</a><br><a href= Nantes Official Internet Site</a><br>[/sig]
I am having the same exact probelm, running the exact same software, I have previously tried all of the comments posted here, to no avail, i have compared every singel setting to a working web server and still no luck. If anyone has any further ideas, I would really REALLY appreciate it. [sig][/sig]
I don't remember what specifically I had to do to fix my problem; however, I have found out that reinstalling does fix things in general. I also do not use SP 6a anymore, cuz there seems something wrong with it as it relates to IIS. So I take my installations to SP4. Anyway, it takes time and all that, but I have found that reinstalling from scratch (in the same directory as the previous one) and applying the SP and the Option Pack works wonders. Especially in cases where you have problems but the configuration looks fine. Also, I have yet to do a reinstall and get the same prompts or error messages along the way. They are different every time. SO I have reached the point where I reinstall until things work. Brute force, yes, but the quickest fix I can find. [sig][/sig]
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