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ASP Database Column search

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Jun 2, 2004
Hi I am looking for a asp script, that will do an OR search on keywords in two differant columns in an MySQL database.

for example if someone searches for joe bloggs I want to bring back all records that have either of the words joe or bloggs in column one or column two.

I have found a script that does exactly what I want but it will only search one column of a database whereas i would want it to search two columns.

Can anyone give me pointers on how to modify this code or point me in the direction of some other code that will do the same job.

Many thanks
try your sql like this

select from tblname 
where col1 like '%joe%' 
or col1 like '%bloggs%' 
or col2 like '%joe%' 
or col2 like '%bloggs%'
thanks that works..but it depends what a user types in a search box.....so it is a variable number of words and variable words
This is simplified example (missing support for %_'", double words can be removed etc) but overall idea is clear IMO:
Function getSearchSQL( sBase, aColumns, sSearch, bAllWords )
	Dim sBool: If bAllWords Then sBool = " AND " Else sBool = " OR "
	Dim aTerms:	aTerms = Split(sSearch, " ")
	Dim aTmp: aTmp = Array(): ReDim Preserve aTmp(UBound(aColumns))
	Dim sToken, i
	Dim sRet: sRet = sBase
	Dim sWhere: sWhere = ""
	For Each sToken in aTerms
		If Trim(sToken) <> "" Then
			'modify sToken here if necessary
			For i = 0 To UBound(aColumns)
				aTmp(i) = aColumns(i) & " LIKE '%" & sToken & "%'"
			If sWhere <> "" Then sWhere = sWhere & sBool
			sWhere = sWhere & "("& Join( aTmp, " OR " ) & ")"
		End If
	If sWhere <> "" Then sRet = sRet & " WHERE " & sWhere

	getSearchSQL = sRet
End Function
Sample call:
Dim sSQL
sSQL = getSearchSQL( "select somecolumns from sometable", _
	Array( "col1", "col2" ), _
	"john bloggs ", _
	true )
response.write "<xmp>" & sSQL & "</xmp>"

heisenbug: A bug that disappears or alters its behavior when one attempts to probe or isolate it
schroedinbug: A bug that doesn't appear until someone reads source code and realizes it never should have worked, at which point the program promptly stops working for everybody until fixed.

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Part and Inventory Search

