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Asp call a dll, how to debug the dll

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Feb 20, 2002

In my local web server login.asp page, it calls a A.dll which is registered on my local machine.

Now I want to go throught the A.dll code so I set a stop point in the asp page. I have the source code of A.dll and I open it in VB IDE and set a break point at function GetSeqNoVnt and keep it running.

Part of my login.asp page: (B is one of the class of project A and GetSeqNoVnt is a function of class B)

line 11: Set objMTSSeqNo = server.createobject(A.B)
line 12: stop
line 13: blnRslt = objMTSSeqNo.GetSeqNoVnt(x, y)
line 14: Session(Application("cstWEBSESSION")) = blngWebSession

Because VB IDE is runing Project A so I suppose that line 13 will go through the function GETSeqNoVnt(x, y) in VB IDE line by line so that I can debug it. Actually, It won't go inside the code of GetSeqNoVnt. It just got the value for blnRslt and go to line 14. My collegue told me that it should always check the IDE first, if not there, then go to look for corresponding dll. but mine seems always go to the registered dll directly. I am using W2k, It works fine on some other colleagues' NT . I don't know if it is because of W2K or I need some other setting.

(* all the above is part of our company homepage, I am testing something on my local machine. That's why I want to go through the code)

Forgive my poor English.



For starters remove the dll from your machine then run the vb project. You need to set up security to debug your runtime dll. Have a look in MSDN (I can't find the doc in question but I know its there somewhere !) for the document or if you want I can email you a word version of it.
Thank you GillyInOz for your reply. I unregistered the dll and restart the PWS to remove it completely from the memory. Then I go to my login page, it said that Server.CreateObject failed. Ok, that is what I expected.

Then I run the vb project and expect that the login page will use the VB project since it can't find the dll. NO.., it still said that Server.CreateObject failed. so it will never go to the running VB project.

Any more help please ?


Assuming that you are using Visual InterDev, this is a link to MS KB that should give you some direction on how best to do this. I will add that it works for me, so hopefully this will assist you as well. Good luck.


(Actually, the link doesn't work completely right, but if you copy and paste into your browser URL, should be able to take you directly there. The KB article number is 200998. Everything is absolute. Everything else is relative.
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