I'm trying to create a calender based on access-and I want to loop through the records-and if it finds for a certain date it should insert it in the box
it's not showing all the info
and also if there is more than one record per date it should show that too--I tried looping but I got into and endless loop(that's the way it seemed)I'm a beginner-so would appreciate if someone would help me
also what does <BR> do?
my code so far(just this part)
Dim iDay, iWeek, sFontColor, dictDte(31,2), intCount
strSql = "SELECT * FROM EvantCalendar WHERE month(dte)= " & month(dtCurViewMonth) & " and year(dte) = " & year(dtCurViewMonth) & " order by dte"
set rs = my_conn.Execute (StrSql)
intCount= 0
' populate array with days of month
on Error resume next
do until rs.EOF
if intCount > 31 then exit do
if Day(rs("dte"
) = intCount + 1 then
dictDte(intCount, 1) = rs("text_field"
dictDte(intCount, 1) = " "
End If
dictDte(intCount, 2) = intCount + 1
intCount = intCount + 1
Thank you
it's not showing all the info
and also if there is more than one record per date it should show that too--I tried looping but I got into and endless loop(that's the way it seemed)I'm a beginner-so would appreciate if someone would help me
also what does <BR> do?
my code so far(just this part)
Dim iDay, iWeek, sFontColor, dictDte(31,2), intCount
strSql = "SELECT * FROM EvantCalendar WHERE month(dte)= " & month(dtCurViewMonth) & " and year(dte) = " & year(dtCurViewMonth) & " order by dte"
set rs = my_conn.Execute (StrSql)
intCount= 0
' populate array with days of month
on Error resume next
do until rs.EOF
if intCount > 31 then exit do
if Day(rs("dte"
dictDte(intCount, 1) = rs("text_field"
dictDte(intCount, 1) = " "
End If
dictDte(intCount, 2) = intCount + 1
intCount = intCount + 1
Thank you