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ASA vector schedule BUG! 2

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Sep 16, 2002
I figured I'd post this here because this bug caused a near catastrophy!

I'm using ASA R1.12.02 on a Multivantage 11.

We had a vector that was attached to one of our incomming VDNs. We wanted to add an announcement to this vector before callers got sent to the queue VDN.

The steps went something like this:

18 ...
19 route-to number 4567 with cov Y if unconditional

Using ASA we did an insert before 19 and and added the announcement.

18 ...
19 announcement 1234
20 route-to number 4567 with cov Y if unconditional

Then instead of saving it, we scheduled it to take effect at midnight.

Lo and behold, we get a call this morning to tell us callers to this VDN were getting dropped!!!!

We check the vector today and we got

18 ...
19 announcement 1234
20 <blank>

!!! ACK !!!

I tested it and can reproduce this.
So the moral of this post? DON'T schedule line inserts or you may be sorry!
I went and looked at avaya's ASA patches and did not find this particular bug.
And all this time I thought I was a moron...now I know I am.
Wow - not good at all.

What I've done when I've had a similar need is to write myself a brand new vector with the changes built in. Then I use the ASA scheduler to point all of the VDN's to the new vector at the appropriate time. I'll usually put it in the schedule twice, 5 or 10 minutes apart, so that I can have the change-over run a second time (just in case some are missed the first go-around due to being busy, etc).

[sub]You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.[/sub]
[sup]Aristophanes, 424 B.C.[/sup]

[sup]Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.

Hey all there is one more bug I found in the same version of ASA. I had around 70 new joinees in my company where I had to assign 70 auth codes to them, I used the import option of ASA after 2 days I started getting calls from some users that there auth codes aren not working then I checked the ASA actually it had over written 70 of the existing auth codes.luckily I had the ealier auth codes so I was survived. Beware guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The difference between this and the earlier ASA are in the import option it uses the command &quot;Change auth xxxxx&quot; where xxxxx is the new auth code and the ealier one used &quot; change auth 99999&quot;

Good tip, to build a new vector and simply redirect the VDN to point to the new vector. I know that method is prescribed in Avaya Vectoring documentation as the safer way to make changes to vectors, even during the business day.
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