I'm reading a CSV file into an array however, some of the values in the csv file can be either NULL or - values and they can show up randomly in any one of the positions. I don't want these values populated within the properties of my user's accounts. Is there a way to filter these values out during the process of reading them into the array itself besides using if then statements? Any help would be greatly appreciated...thank you in advance.
sInputFile = "c:\Userupdatetest.csv"
Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInputFile, ForReading )
Do While Not oFile.AtEndOfStream
aStr = split(oFile.ReadLine,",")
sLogon = aStr(0)
sCompany = aStr(1)
sLocation = aStr(2)
sTeam = aStr(3)
sDepartment = aStr(4)
sTitle = aStr(5)
do something