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Array Help Needed, Please!

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Aug 27, 2002
We are running CR Ver on Windows XP.
I have been struggling with this code for a week now and can't seem to get it right.

My records have a detention start and a detenion end date. Given a parameter report start and end date, I am trying to use arrays to generate an average daily population by Month.

For example: Jan Feb Mar Apr May
117 111 100 94 97
instead I am getting:
519 519 519 519 520

Could someone PLEASE tell me what's wrong with my code?!
I did create a loop to make it error out so I could check my values and the dates and values for my dates, m, d, and x appear to be correct.

Global NumberVar Array MoAvg;
Local NumberVar m;
m := DateDiff('m',{?startdate},{?enddate})+1;
Redim Preserve MoAvg [m];
Local DateVar CheckMonth := {?startdate};
Local DateVar EndMonth := {?enddate};
Local NumberVar i;
Local StringVar Display;

Global NumberVar Array DailyKids;
Local DateVar CheckDate := CheckMonth;
Local DateVar EndDate := DateSerial(Year(CheckDate),Month(CheckDate)+1,1)-1;
Local NumberVar d;
d := EndDate - CheckDate +1;
Redim Preserve DailyKids[d];
Local NumberVar x;

While CheckMonth <= EndMonth
i := m - DateDiff('m',CheckMonth, EndMonth);
While (DateSerial(Year(CheckMonth),Month(CheckMonth)+1,1)-1) - CheckDate >= 0
x:= d - (EndDate - Checkdate);
if {@DetStart} <= CheckDate
and ({@DetEnd}>= CheckDate or {@DetEnd}=Date(0000,0,0)) then
DailyKids[x] := DailyKids[x]+1;
CheckDate := CheckDate + 1;
EndDate := DateSerial(Year(CheckDate),Month(CheckDate)+1,1)-1
MoAvg := Sum(DailyKids)/d;
CheckMonth := CDate(DateAdd ('m',1,CheckMonth))

For i := 1 to ubound(MoAvg)
Display := Display & Cstr(MoAvg,0,"") & Chr(9)& Chr(9);


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

What are the contents of {@detstart} and {@detend}?

What does your data look like at the detail level? Please show a sample.

You are showing months horizontally--is the the result of a manual crosstab using conditional formulas? If so, show an example of the formulas you are using.

Also explain in what report section you are using your formula.

My database has dates in text format - 20080101 for example.
I use this function to convert to date:

Function (stringvar JoltsDate)
If not IsDate(Mid(JoltsDate,5,2)&"/"&Right(JoltsDate,2)&"/"&Left(JoltsDate,4)) then

P190.STRTDATE = 20080315 and {@detstart}= 3/15/08

1 row of P190 table looks like:
18040301 2 20080315 0315

20080411 0826

I am showing months horizontally using another array formula
JAN 08 FEB 08 etc (my report can cross years)

I put the MoAvg formula in both the detail and report footer sections (report is not grouped).

I finally (after almost a week of struggling) worked it out for myself! I did switch from Crystal to Basic syntax to make it easier. I am sharing in hopes that others might find this useful.

My report output looks like this (it does line up right in the report):
Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 May-08
ADP 117 113 112 109 108

Here is the code for the Monthly headers (does work across years):

REM Declare all the required variables
Dim m, i as number
Dim CheckDate, EndDate as date
Dim Display as string

m = DateDiff("m",{?startdate},{?enddate})+1
Global CountMos(m) as Date
CheckDate = {?startdate}
EndDate = {?enddate}

REM Loop through the date range and increment the array
Do while CheckDate <= EndDate
i = m - DateDiff("m",CheckDate, EndDate)
CountMos(i) = CheckDate
CheckDate = CDate(DateAdd ("m",1,CheckDate))

REM Build the display string
For i = 1 to ubound(CountMos)
Display = Display & Cstr(CountMos(i),"MMM") & "-" & Cstr(CountMos(i),"yy") & Chr(9)
Next i

Formula = Chr(9) & Chr(9) & Display & Chr(9)

Here is the code for the Monthly ADP (average daily population):

dim m, d, i, x as number
dim CheckMonth, EndMonth, CheckDate, EndDate as date
dim Display as string

CheckMonth = {?startdate}
EndMonth = {?enddate}
CheckDate = CheckMonth
EndDate = DateSerial(Year(CheckDate),Month(CheckDate)+1,1)-1
m = DateDiff("m",{?startdate},{?enddate})+1
d = EndDate - CheckDate +1

Global MoAvg(m) as number
Dim DailyKids as number

Do while CheckMonth <= EndMonth
i = m - DateDiff("m",CheckMonth, EndMonth)
Do while (DateSerial(Year(CheckMonth),Month(CheckMonth)+1,1)-1) - CheckDate >= 0
d = DateSerial(Year(CheckMonth),Month(CheckMonth)+1,1)-1 - DateSerial(Year(CheckMonth),Month(CheckMonth),1) +1
x= Day(Checkdate)
if ({@DetStart} <= CheckDate and ({@DetEnd}>= CheckDate or {@DetEnd}=#12/30/1899#)) then
DailyKids = DailyKids +1
end if
CheckDate = CheckDate + 1
MoAvg(i) = MoAvg(i) + DailyKids/d
CheckMonth = CDate(DateAdd ("m",1,CheckMonth))
DailyKids = 0

For i = 1 to ubound(MoAvg)
Display = Display & Cstr(MoAvg(i),0,"")& Chr(9)& Chr(9)
next i

Formula = "ADP" & Chr(9) & Display & Chr(9)

The only thing I haven't resolved yet is issue of if someone puts in dates other then 1st/last of start/end date but that part should be easy.

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