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Are U a vb6 & Crystal 8 Guru?

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Jan 5, 2001

I am having a problem with my application and the reports in the application. When I run my app through VB6(compiler), I am able to view my reports. But when I run it through my packaged app, the reports do not view. Please read the code below and let me know what I am missing. Also, can you tell me which components and/or references I need to include in my deployment package?

Thank you for your assistance in advance. :)

With CrystalReport2
    .ReportFileName = App.Path & "\REPORTS\dateRep.rpt"
    .ReportTitle = "Summary Report by Date"
End With
VB6.0 SP4
Crystal 8.0 Developer Edition
SQL 7.0 SP2
I'm not a guru but I think it had something to do with
"CrystalReport2.Action = 1" to make it work.

And when you make a package, VB includes all components, controls etc. automaticly. There stored in Suport-directory and you can find them on the setup.lst

HI remedy

Thanks for your quick reponse. I tried what you asked.
I changed CrystalReport2.PrintReport to CrystalReport2.Action = 2, but I received this error when I ran my app:

Run-time error '20532':
cannot find database DLL.

Any more ideas?
Thanks again. -vbuser1976
VB6.0 SP4
Crystal 8.0 Developer Edition
SQL 7.0 SP2

If you don't get the answer here, try the Seagate: Crystal Reports forum.


The more I learn, the more I need to learn!
these kinds of problems are routine when deploying a VB/CR app(they happen every goddamned time). The way i usually solve it is to use a program like 'modules.exe'(for win95/98) available free from seagates website or 'handleex.exe'(for winnt) freely downloadable from the net, i dont have the address but i found it by typing handleex.exe into yahoo. These programs show you what dll's are in use , grouped by process. Run your app on your development machine, when the report window is showing run the modules or handleex program. Bring up the list of dll's for your application's proccess you can tell which dll's belong to crystal by what directories they are in(usually crystal dll's start with either 'cr' or 'u' or 'p'). Make sure all these dll's are included in your setup package. Good Luck. Ruairi

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This is how I do it with Visual BASIC 6 and Crystal Report 8.0. The following code attaches an ADO recordset to the report at run-time.

Private s_rptLocal As CRAXDRT.Report
Private s_rdApp As CRAXDRT.Application
Public s_strReportName As String
Public s_rsLocal As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim objReportSection As CRAXDRT.Section

    On Error GoTo Form_LoadErr

    Set s_rdApp = New CRAXDRT.Application
    Set s_rptLocal = s_rdApp.OpenReport(s_strReportName)

    If Not s_rsLocal Is Nothing Then
        s_rptLocal.Database.SetDataSource s_rsLocal
    End If

    rptViewer.ReportSource = s_rptLocal
    rptViewer.DisplayGroupTree = False
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    Me.Caption = s_rptLocal.ReportTitle
End Sub
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
Hi and Thank you all.

I will try all of your suggestions and will let you know the results.

Thank you again. Sometimes, it helps when you have more than one person working on the same problem and for me, this is the best way to get help. If you guys need any help from me, do not hesistate to contact me. s-)

VB6.0 SP4
Crystal 8.0 Developer Edition
SQL 7.0 SP2
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