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Arcserve 7 for novell , cannot submit jobs

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Mar 6, 2001

Hi there fellow members,

I am having a small problem which I hope one of you clever people can help me with.

I am having problem with my arcserve, I am using Arcserve 7 for novell, running on netware 6. A Arcserve 7 manager running on a Windows 98 machine.

When try and submit a job I get a Job Queue Error (30).

I can not find what error 30 means....!!

Please, please, please help.


I believe ArcServe 7 manger only runs on Win 2000 and XP.
Thats what i use and it works good, remember to patch Arcserve manager after install.
I have installed and submitted jobs from NT4 workstation ok,they won't trust me with anything newer.

I wish I had a pound note (or even a dollar) for every time I have encountered this one. There could be a number of causes but I've always managed to get past it.

Check rights of the backup user you are using - re-add trustee rights if required. Check that the server is running OK. If nesc. restart the backup server then restart your client. You will have to resubmit the job again.

I am having the exact same problem error (30) and I have been working on it for days. We're also running Arcserve 7 for netware on NetWare 6.0. I came to the sight to post my trouble becuase the computer associates knowledge base is silent on the error (30).

We have tried almost everything, have all of the latest builds and patches. Tried installing the manager on both NT 4.0 and WIN 2000. We've also checked the trustee rights. Arcserve experts dispatch!! please help

Here is the latest info I have on fixing the Arcserve Job Que Error (30)

1.Go to the Registry editor of the Machine where the manager portion is installed then Hkey current user-Software-computer Associates-ArcserveIt-Base-Asmgr-
Userdb folder and then Delete the Magic and Phantom keys and Reboot the workstation and submit the job with the security information with Full distinguished Naming

2.In case if the Problem Persists LOAD ASUTIL at Netware server console then verify Delete, Recreate the Queue and the Queue server objects and Reload Arcserve

It is Recommended that you have at least R/W Replica of the NDS on the Arcserve Host server

Yep, thats one fix. (There are a few). Problem is that you may find the problem keeps coming back to haunt you again and again!. This happened to me but subsequent times around the phantom key and remembering to put a dot in front of the username didn't fix it!.


You mentioned that there are a few fixes; we've tried everything! What have you done as far as fixes go? I want to make sure we're not missing anything. Thanks!
Hi there,

I have a useful piece of advice you could try, try running dsrepair.

What I do to get over this problem is to run dsrepair, reboot server, then delete and create queue within asutil. Doing this often fixes my problem.... (Though be very carful using dsrepair)

Hope this helps in some way

A DS update was required as well as full patching of all servers involved, both at Novell level and Arcserve level. We still have the odd "funny" where rights vanish and they have to be reassigned to the user. Lots of NDS 8 issues and other issues due to not being able to put DS partitions on standalone backup server.

Other problems are - partial rights loss. DSREPAIR isssues. IP connectivity. Format of names input. Random changing of accounts actually in use behind the manager from one container to another (with no rights) - hard to spot if you use something like "bakckup-user" in each part of the tree!!. DNS issues, SMDR config loss (requires recreation) - Novell client issues - to name a few. I'm trying to forget a lot of this nightmare!.

Poss Checklist (mostly for IP networks)...

Workstation can do DNS lookup on the server.
Backup server can do DNS lookup on target host
W/s and logged in Netware account has full rights to backup server.
Job engine really *is* running. (If in doubt reboot the backup server and the workstation).
DSREPAIR and recheck rights?
Check SMDR config by loading TSA on backup server (not used or needed but its a good diagnosis!).
Check in bottom RH corner of AS Mgr screen for logged in DS user.
Check minimum rights of backup user.
(Full means supervisory object and prop rights)
AQ6_* (full)
<backupservername> (full)
<backupserver_SYS> (full)
<targetserver> (Full)
<targetserver_VOLn> (full)
Don't use profiles. Always log in as a backup-type-user.
Never use your own account. Use a dedicated backup/admin account.
Try to stop/start engines locally using ASADMIN.EXE - reboot b/u server and w/s if you have problems.
Remove station and time restrictions
Check connections in Explorer Network neighbourhood - Right click - Netware Connections - check IP in use not IPX if your's is an IP LAn)
Right-click on backup server in ASMGR and check &quot;Security...&quot; - ensure that correct user is still in use and that it hasn't been changed.
Ensure that b/u server isn't attching to master NDS server if you have a large corporate LAN and no DS partition on the server. This can cause it to run at 100% as backup servers keep attaching and querying NDS at frequent intervals. Remember that the B/U Q model is based on the print Q model and continually polls the Q to scan for new jobs. (Poor design in my opinion but, ho-hum...)

Constant reboots of the system are usually required until you get all patches applied and it settles down.

There's probably a lot more but I forget now.

Hope this helps

PS I forgot that if its Win98 as the client then you need NWClient 3.3 as I recall



Thanks for all of your help and your detailed fix for our arcserve problems. We have spent so many man hours trying to get the bugs out, that the Big Boss decided it would be more productive to explore other software options. We are currently running a trial of back-up exec 9.0....so far so good!

Thanks again for taking the time to put up the great post.
Very Truly Yours,

We came to the same conclusions but we couldn't find anything else that would support Novell that didn't have the same sort of issues unfortunately. If you persevere you can get it working fine but it will need to be constantly monitored and &quot;babysat&quot;. Its not really an install and forget piece of software. ;o)

Check out the discussion groups for alternative software and the fix pages etc. on the vendors sites. You seem to find the same sort of issues - which points to the Novell transport layers causing much of the problem.

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