I am having some problems with AcrserveIT 6.61 build 834sp2. I have 3 servers, 1 has the ArcserveIT installed on it and I have 2 more that I reach out to back up. These machines have been backing up and doing fine for about a year and then we started getting performance issues with one mahine. I did the database utilities and did a quick backup of some files on the c drive of the remote machine and it was 150 mb/min. I then tried to do all of the c drive and the registry and it was slow again. I did not know about the database utilities, so that had not been ran at all. I have checked the network and I can copy files form server to server and there is no issues and the speeds are great. I also checked to see that I did not have any mix matched speeds on the server and the 3com switch it is pluged into. It does not matter if I go through the client or direstly to the machine. Any help will be great.