The best way I know of to get a message to a cell phone is through e-mail to an address that is translated by the cell phone company into a cellular message. You obviously have to have a cell phone that supports messaging along with a carrier that supports e-mail to cell phone messages. My phone does this and I have a monitoring service that sends an e-mail alert if one of my servers goes down. The carrier supplies me with an e-mail address and their systems handle getting the e-mail to the cell phone.
To get an SMS message across, you obviously have to have something that can take an SMS message and convert it into an e-mail. I have very little experience with SMS so I can't tell you how to do that. If you have the ability to write a program to extract the SMS information, I can write code to turn it into an e-mail via Cold Fusion or C,C++.
how did you get your email adress, you asked the cell phone company ? is there some kind of a "generic" email adress for all the phones sold by a cell phone company ? (i guess the answer is yes as i've seen it) is there a way to get this adress without having to ask (therefore to pay) to the company ?? hoooooow ? there should be, or please someone explain me how they do the sites sending sms to almost any phone whatever the company ??? thanx
One of the cellular providers in Orlando is Bellsouth Mobility and to send a SMS using our email program requires the mobile number and "". would be the send to address.
You should be able to contact your local wireless provider and obtain this email extension.
It's a service they sell (or bundle with certain plans) so it's not anything that you can use without first setting up. For Bell South, the e-mail address tends to be your 10 digit cell number as Dmoney illustrated above. Not all phones support it so you'll have to get a phone that does and then subscribe to a plan that allows you to get messages.
here we used to have such an adress (was where 00..0 is your phone number) but they disbled it (of course, they want us to pay !!)
but some sites still allow free sms to this operator -> they must have some kind of generic adress, but how did they get it (i guess there are NOT paying anything to the operator company !)
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