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Application development

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Jul 11, 2016
How do you remove a project from the program manager?
Hi JLF999,

just open your project, select your program and click the button on the right that say "Remove" on his caption...
My bad guys. What I was trying to say is How to remove a project from the Project Manager?
JLF999 said:
remove a project from the Project Manager?
You cannot remove a PROJECT from the Project Manager. There are no PROJECTS within it.

Mike said it above
Do you perhaps mean: "How do you remove a program from the project manager?"

Perhaps with better clarity and terminology accuracy, we can assist you better.

Good Luck,
You can have many VFP Project managers open at the same time, bot one of them IS the project or maintains a project, we don't have a structure like in .NET where you can have a solution with many projects building different parts, eg webservice, Assembly DLLs, etc and a main project for eg the main EXE of a solution.

Each VFP Project means one project manager, so maybe take a screenshot of what you mean and want to remove.

Bye, Olaf.
I have 3 different versions of an application I am developing and I would like to get rid of 2 of them and I can't seem to find a way to do. Right now they are just a nuisance. I'm sure there is a way and I'm also sure that it is quite simple but it alludes me.
Do you mean you have three sets of source files (programs, forms, reports, etc)? Perhaps each in its own directory? If so, then just delete the files or directories that you no longer need. (But take care to keep the one that you do want.)

Or do you have one set of source files, but three different executables? Again, just delete the unwanted executables.

Or do you mean you have three different versions of the project manager for your application? If so, you can delete the project manager files. Each project manager consists of two physical files; each file has the same name as the project, with extensions PJX and PJT respectively.

In all of the above, when I say "delete a file", I mean deleting it from within Windows (in My Computer, Windows Explorer or whatever).


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Visual FoxPro articles, tips and downloads
JLF999 said:
I have 3 different versions of an application

Mike is correct in asking for clarification about what you mean when you say: 3 different versions of an application
That can mean a lot of different things.

If you have 3 separate Executables, then fine.
Delete them all and then rebuild the 1 that you want by using the 1 Project File that is associated with it.

If you have 3 different sets of Source files,
Just archive off the 2 sets you do Not want and then work with just the 1 set that you do want.

Good Luck,
If you have three project managers open, simply close the ones you don't want anymore.
Are you perhaps talking about the environment manager? Or the Recent Projects of the Task Pane Manager? Or the list of most recently used files?
Please just make a screenshot and add it to a post.

In Options you can also uncheck "Open last project on startup" and there you can also limit the number of Most Recently Used (MRU) list.

Bye, Olaf.
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