Currently I have a simple database of payroll adjustment details imported from an excel file. I've built a report that page breaks to seperate pages for each sales clerk on the report. What I'm trying to accomplish is by using a quick form that I have created that has command buttons setup to Print to file or Email File the report results in HTML format. This way I get each Sales Clerks details in seperate pages.
Currently the process is running and working great. However, the filenames applied to the html files is what I'd like to modify.
Currently I have a report name of "ClawBacks" and a suffix of Page1 so ie.. ClawBacksPage1.html being generated by default. Is it possible to modify in the stDocName = "" option of the script to generate a filename based on the SalesClerk ID that is in the report? Or is there something else I can do to achieve the results I require?
I'm not a programmer so I'm relying on the built in functions that generate the code. Would someone please take a moment and explain if this is even possible and perhaps give me an example of how I can successfully achieve this.
Thank you,
P.S. If I can get this to work.. i'm hoping I can then automate the process to send files via email.. but send the file to the specific sales clerk involved.. rather than all files to a group or one user.
If I'm getting too involved in custom programming, please let me know.
Currently the process is running and working great. However, the filenames applied to the html files is what I'd like to modify.
Currently I have a report name of "ClawBacks" and a suffix of Page1 so ie.. ClawBacksPage1.html being generated by default. Is it possible to modify in the stDocName = "" option of the script to generate a filename based on the SalesClerk ID that is in the report? Or is there something else I can do to achieve the results I require?
I'm not a programmer so I'm relying on the built in functions that generate the code. Would someone please take a moment and explain if this is even possible and perhaps give me an example of how I can successfully achieve this.
Thank you,
P.S. If I can get this to work.. i'm hoping I can then automate the process to send files via email.. but send the file to the specific sales clerk involved.. rather than all files to a group or one user.
If I'm getting too involved in custom programming, please let me know.