I have a spreadsheet with three worksheets:
the first worksheet has VA insurance data
the second worksheet has TN insurance data
the other has revisions that were posted to the first worksheet.
my manager wants the revision sheet at the bottom of the data worksheet, but then the data worksheet has some conditional formatting and other programming in it, and I'd hate to break up just to put revisions in there and then make people (i.e. me) insert rows all the time in order to append the data.
How can I make the spreadsheet print the revisions to the end of the data worksheet without needing to copy and paste the revisions to the data worksheet?
In addition to this... how can I make the revisions append to the data worksheet so my manager can send it to the powers that be, and then remove the revisions after she is finished sending. She usually uses the send feature within excel to send files.
the first worksheet has VA insurance data
the second worksheet has TN insurance data
the other has revisions that were posted to the first worksheet.
my manager wants the revision sheet at the bottom of the data worksheet, but then the data worksheet has some conditional formatting and other programming in it, and I'd hate to break up just to put revisions in there and then make people (i.e. me) insert rows all the time in order to append the data.
How can I make the spreadsheet print the revisions to the end of the data worksheet without needing to copy and paste the revisions to the data worksheet?
In addition to this... how can I make the revisions append to the data worksheet so my manager can send it to the powers that be, and then remove the revisions after she is finished sending. She usually uses the send feature within excel to send files.