I'm using COBOL 97 to call windows API function CreateFile to create a handle to an existing windows pipe. I want to use the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED constant value in the dwFlagsandAttributes parameter. But.....
The value of FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is &H4000000, in decimal its 1073741824. If I use VB to call the API it accepts that value but in COBOL it will not compile saying that the value is too large. I've tried a couple of things:
1. putting the value in as part of the call (BY VALUE 1073741824)
2. creating a field (as PIC S9(9) COMP-5 COBOL equivalant to long) to hold the value.
The value of FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED is &H4000000, in decimal its 1073741824. If I use VB to call the API it accepts that value but in COBOL it will not compile saying that the value is too large. I've tried a couple of things:
1. putting the value in as part of the call (BY VALUE 1073741824)
2. creating a field (as PIC S9(9) COMP-5 COBOL equivalant to long) to hold the value.