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apache ssl and virtualhost problem

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Technical User
Apr 11, 2001
I set up apache1.3.19 with openssl and mod_ssl. Everything seemed to go through well. I can issue the command "apachectl startssl" and it asks me for my passcode.I've set up virtualhosts and I am pretty sure that the first primary virtualhost (main server) is configured for ssl use, however when I type in my browser " I get page not found. Otherwise when I issue " the site shows up properly.
I don't know why it is not up.
Any help here would be awesome. I didn't see any posts on this in this forum.


I finally got it to work properly. the apache errorlog showed that there was a problem of using DSA in the server certificate so I created one RSA certificate and it worked.
Although I got it to work, now I have a new question for the forum.

How do you create your own CA certificate? What directives are crucial for SSL to work, and which directives are optional?

Thanks, hope this post helps others.
I have exactly the same problem.

I've tried using name based and IP based virtual hosts but whenever I restart apache it completely ignores the virtual host settings..

httpd -S is supposed to show any configured virtual hosts, but I'm getting no entries here.

I've noticed on the Internet that name based virtual hosts is a no go which is why I've tried IP based. Still no joy though.
So how did you configure your virtual hosts?


Got mine working too.

Found that the variable SSL wasn't being passed through to the <IfDefine SSL> variable in the httpd.conf.

Don't know why, but I got rid of the <IfDefine SSL> and the virtual hosts sprang into life.

I noticed the lack of SSL using httpd -l for the module list.


From portugal? So am I.
what particular problem you have?
I'm trying to set up apache using SSL, and have only discovered that it uses port 443. I've writen Port 443 on the httpd.conf file, when I try to acces the server using the browser it doesn't answer. I think I have to do something else ...
Well My preference was to use apache 1.3.19 with mod_ssl and openssl. What I did was compile the mod_ssl source linked to the apache 1.3.19 source. then I switched to the apache installation directory and configured it with the openssl install directory. I then did &quot;make&quot; and &quot;make certificate&quot;. When I completed the test certificate, I then did the install of openssl and apache. After words you would need to configure httpd.conf.
Hi rninja would these instructions still be true for the windows verson of apache ?? I also read the FAQ section, and those instructions would be for the Linux version. Daniel.Barreto@Netc.pt
I think they are a little different for windows. Try checking for more information on settingup ssl for windows. Getting ssl on windows might even be a little simpler.... who knows. If I get more info, I will post!!

Hope this helps!!

How did you install Apache-SSL on Windows?, please metion the source sites for the information.
Has any one set up multiple Virtual Hosts with different certificates for each?

Example with its certificate
and withs its own certificate as well.

Trying now, thought it would work well. But not working as manual states. (I think I'm using Apache 1.3, but I get
&quot;Server version: Red Hat Secure/3.0 (Unix)
Server built: Jun 16 1999 15:32:07&quot; when I run httpsd -v.
I have heard that you need seperate IP addresses to make the multiple SSL certificates work!

Hope this helps!

i have been able to successfully install apache and mod_ssl and openssl and they work very well
however, the page only opens on my local machine browser and not when any other computer on the lan requests the page
please help!!
its pretty crazy why it won't work
Read my FAQs in this forum about ssl and virtualhosts behind firewalls.

Hope This Helps!!!

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