we have a unique issue where in when we hit static pages within apache websrver it always redirect to particular app server
we have multipe app servers [websphere managed servers] which are configured with Apache webserver
All the app srvers are srving the request meaning the webserver is able to do the directs to all app servers
It is only when we hit static pages within the webserver, the control always goes to one app server [y'day it was one app serer for all request and today it is another app server for all request]
Please let know on the sisue and fix/workaround
we have multipe app servers [websphere managed servers] which are configured with Apache webserver
All the app srvers are srving the request meaning the webserver is able to do the directs to all app servers
It is only when we hit static pages within the webserver, the control always goes to one app server [y'day it was one app serer for all request and today it is another app server for all request]
Please let know on the sisue and fix/workaround