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Apache/Perl Include Virtual Directive

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
OK i used to use a script that was run by using <!-- include virtual blah
blah blah --> in the html.
Now I have just installed a new Linux/Apache web server and it won't execute
this script but it does execute others that are ran in the 'usual' fashion.
I realise (should that be hope?) that this is a simple configuration issue,
can anyone tell me where to enable support for this kind of script

Thanks in advance!!
Maybe you didn't enable server-side-include module in your httpd.conf file. Just look for the following lines and remove the comment (#):

LoadModule includes_module lib/apache/mod_include.so
AddModule mod_include.c

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

Also make sure you add the 'Includes' to your root document directive:

<Directory &quot;your/root/path&quot;>
Options Includes

Make all these changes and restart Apache. It should work.


All these are enabled and it still doesn't work. Still just shows up <!--#include virtual=&quot;/cgi-bin/ip.cgi&quot; --> in the page source instead of the output of that script.
Is your file saved as .shtml? The following line specifies that apache should only parse those files ended with .shtml

AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

If your files are saved as .html, you can either rename your files to .shtml OR (if that is a lot of work) just change the above line to

AddHandler server-parsed .html

If it is not the filename, then maybe you can look for a .htaccess file in your web root directory. If there is a .htaccess file, edit it and see if it contains any <Directory> command in it. Just add the 'Includes' into the 'Options'.


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