How does the alt address in ap relate with the other module in macola does it filtrate throughout macola as with the alt address in the arcusfil and the item master or what?
It's similar to AR. You can use the alt address for PO generation as in OE generation with alt address in AR. You may send the PO to one location, but the accounting people in your office may need the address information for the invoicing contacts. No link to the item master files unless you were to add a user defined field or something. Is there something you want to do w/alt address, or is this a general information question?
You can put commodities in the vendor master & commodity in the item master. You'll have to do a join to link the 2 files together since you can have 5 commodity codes in vendor master. Does this help?
no eariler you said to link the 2 files by linking the commodity code field and I asked how that was done because I was not familiar on hosw that could be. ,
I had indicated to join the apvendor & imitmdix on commodity field assuming that tdeast understood that the files can't be linked. I thought it was understood that you would need to generate a report on the linked files or use something like vb or flex to do something while in the user interface.
I was under the assumption that you was stating that 2 file or tables could be linked somehow thru macola and i was missing that somewhere. I know that thru Crystal most usually you can link 2 tables if there are 2 compatible fields.
You could probably create a view in either pervasive or sql to those 2 files, then run a VB app or (not my personal fave) flex to do something inside macola to query that view. As Don indicated, what are you trying to accomplish?
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