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Anyone seeing logins hanging around in AIX5.2 ML04

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Technical User
Sep 2, 2004
I recently upgraded a couple boxes to AIX 5.2ML04. Ever since the upgrade I'm starting to notice there are several old logins hanging around, ie., a who will reveal logins from 2-3 days previous that aren't really logged in.

Seems the only thing that clears them up is a reboot.

Anyone else seeing anything similar? Is this a problem with AIX 5.2 ML04, or did something change during my upgrade?

Thanks in advance for you help,
This does seem to be a problem with ML04. IBM are currently looking into the problem for me. Meanwhile, see below for a script which cleans the /etc/utmp file and removes users who are no longer logged in. I've been running this for 2 weeks now without any problems.

Note from IBM:

Rebooting clears the utmp file and is the recommended method of correcting the results of corruption.

The following is an awk script that can be used to attempt to clean out bad entries in the /etc/utmp file. It may not clean certain types of corruption and a reboot will be required to clean up the file.

WARNING: Since the utmp file is constantly being changed, there is always the possibility that an attempt at correction (other than by rebooting) may corrupt the /etc/utmp file.

# utmp_clean.awk
# 12/12/95
# awk script to clean out entries in the /etc/utmp file
# that have no current matching correct process in the
# process table.
# This MUST be run by the root user, either from the
# command line or
# from the root crontab entry.

if [ ! -s /usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp ]; then
# accounting not installed
print "Accounting must be installed first,fwtmp file does not exist"


while [ "$SUM" != "$NEWSUM" ]; do
SUM=$(/usr/bin/sum /etc/utmp)
/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp </etc/utmp >/tmp/utmp.out
ps au | awk '{print $2,$1,$7}' | grep -v USER >/tmp/ps.out
NEWSUM=$(/usr/bin/sum /etc/utmp)
# loop until the file is unchanged
# on a busy system, this may take a long time.

cat /tmp/utmp.out | awk '
# load the array
holder = ""
while (ss == 1)
ss = (getline holder < "/tmp/ps.out")
if (ss == 0)
combine=sprintf("%s %s",temp[2],temp[3])
} # end of BEGIN section

if ((length($4) == 1) && ($4 == 7))
if (length(ps_name) > 0)
#found a ps table entry with same pid
# entry needs to be checked for accuracy
#only if the name and tty match, write the entry
utmp_name=sprintf("%s %s",$1,$2)
if (ps_name == utmp_name)
print $0
else # Not an entry to look at, just pass it along
print $0
}' > /tmp/utmp.tmp

/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp -ic </tmp/utmp.tmp >/tmp/utmp.new

# Only if the /etc/utmp file is still unchanged from when
# we last looked will the file be overwritten with the
# updated copy.
# There is a chance that this step may corrupt the
# /etc/utmp file if a process changes it after we look
# and before we can write it.

CURRENTSUM=$(/usr/bin/sum /etc/utmp)
if [ "$CURRENTSUM" = "$SUM" ]; then
/usr/bin/cp /tmp/utmp.new /etc/utmp
print "utmp successfully updated on "$(date)
print "utmp was too busy on "$(date)" to update now"
print "try again later"

rm /tmp/ps.out
rm /tmp/utmp.out
rm /tmp/utmp.tmp
rm /tmp/utmp.new
Is it harmful to put the following in the inittab instead of running the script?

utmpd:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/utmpd 5
Running the utmpd daemon would appear to be a more elegant and simpler solution. I'll give it a try.
Does anyone know if IBM has a fix for this? I just upgraded to AIX 5L V5.3 and have the same problem with logins hanging around.
this has been fixed several times and broken since aix 3.2
The script "utmp_clean.awk", mentioned above, really works (I've used it a few times), but you have to change the line
utmp_name=sprintf("%s %s",$1,$2)
utmp_name=sprintf("%s %s",$1,$3)

I found 2 versions of that script on IBM Web-site with these 2 lines being different in this exact way. It looks like "$3" parameter is the correct way to do the job in terms of device/console names. See "struct utmp" in /usr/include/utmp.h" for further details.
hi ,

we had problems with logins not dieing , processes not dieing under ML4 , recently installed ML 5 , so far so good
systems been running for 2 weeks without any problems

( shouldn't have said that server just crashed , on a serious note it may be worth installing ML 5 for AIX 5.2)

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