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Anyone played with "incoming call handling treatment" in a G3?

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Sep 13, 2002
I've got to come up with a creative solution to a dial plan nightmare. Anyone worked with this feature of the isdn-pri trunk group form (pg 3)? Phonia
Telecom Goddess
Hi Phonia,

Tell us about your "dial plan nightmare" and we'll see if we can help... or were you just dreaming?

Phonie Philosopher
Let me know what your trying to do & I'll try to help you.
No, the problem is that I've got 1XXX and 8XXX numbers that are going to be sent over the PRI and I've got to come up with some way to convert those digits to others that will work in the dial plan (2XXX-6XXX; 1 and 8 conflict with dacs and facs).

Hence, I'm looking at "incoming call handling treatment" as a way to do digit conversion for inbound calls, but I can't seem to find any documentation on this feature anywhere on the website. Got any info? Phonia
Telecom Goddess
You might want to ask your provider if they will translate the digits and send you what you need.
I have a PBX in NYC with the same Problem 9xxx Are the DIDs and I use ICHT to Convert. So my employess internal EXT are 6xxx and there DID is 9xxx. I simply Del the 1 digit and add the 6, it works well.

1.(service/feature) match the sevice type on page )0ne
2. (call len) I asume are (4)
3.called number) leave blank
4.(del) =1 (it will del from first to last)
5.(insert) (New digit)

rest blank.

Now because you have 2 sets you will have to have a trunk group for each, Hopfully you have 2 T1s that a carrier that can route the 1xxx down one T and the 8xxx down the other, Or (low volume) if you only have one T split it into 2 Trunk groups tg1(1-12) 1g2(13-23) and have the carrier route accordinly. ( like 1xxx tg1 acend 8xxxtg2 decend) or something.

Oh if you want to test it out just Make an 6xxx ext (or whatever) that matches 0ne of your unused 1xxx or 8xxx, and just enter the whole number in the 1xxx (called number feild), then del = 1 and Insert (6), Brige that EXT to your phone and call yourself over the PSTN..should work

Although The above solution will work, I alway prefer doing it right if I can, that in your case requires changing facs and dacs, or getting a new block od DIDs.
good luck.

If only it were DIDs that were the issue! These are CO trunks being disco'd and routed (like DIDs) to the PRI. I think this will work, though, and your explanation worked much like I thought this would work. I'll let you know how it works out, and thanks for the feedback! Phonia
Telecom Goddess
You can do this in the trunk groups for both digits.

If the 4 digits start with a 1 it is replaced with 2.
If it starts with an 8 it is replaced with a 6.

display trunk-group 1                                    Page   3 of  22   SPE B
 Service/       Called    Called        Del  Insert            Per Call  Night
 Feature         Len      Number                               CPN/BN    Serv
 public-ntwrk     4         1           1      2
 public-ntwrk     4         8           1      6

We have a similar set up to this on all our 24 incoming trunks.

They were CO lines. They are now being treated as any other DID if they are coming in a PRI. I had a whole batch that we switched from co's to did's on a t1 and the provider was very nice about doing the translations to what I wanted for digits coming in.
Gotcha. Once I figure out whether these should come in as "public network" or "other" I'll probably be in good shape. Thanks for the feedback, all! Phonia
Telecom Goddess
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