We have a .profile on our RS 6000 that forces most users to go to a menu when they log in but allows certain users to go to a prompt. This is done with an if statement, it checks wheteher the user is, in the case of the sample below, qa. If they are qa the go to a prompt if not to a menu. My question is what does the -a do in the script?
! "`logname`%" = "qa%" -a \
We have a .profile on our RS 6000 that forces most users to go to a menu when they log in but allows certain users to go to a prompt. This is done with an if statement, it checks wheteher the user is, in the case of the sample below, qa. If they are qa the go to a prompt if not to a menu. My question is what does the -a do in the script?
! "`logname`%" = "qa%" -a \