Hi All,
I allow myself to write this note to present a piece of software I am currenlty writing. It's a FileAid like software, java based, hence running on all systems where a JVM is installed.
Pretty much like FileAid, it's aimed to help people working with copybooks and data mapped to their fields.
I primarily designed it coz' me a lot of people around me were dealing quite a lot with copybooks and flat files on windows, without any mainframe knowledge or COBOL technical skills. I tried to find some windows free software to help us, but we couldn't really find something that matched our needs. That's how I got to start that program.
Now I think it has reached a certain degree of stability. We have already used it against some simple copybooks at work, and so far it starts to fit pretty much the initial goal.
So here I am before you today
I'm starting this thread to ask if any of you would be interested by such a software, and if yes, if you'd'be willing to test it to help me improve it ?
We use very simple copybook formats in our cross-platform developments at work, and complex copybooks are likely not to be understood by this version so far. Hence I need help to help me improve it: by testing it against different styles of coding and by giving me feedbacks.
If anyone should be willing to try it (and potentially help me eventually) you can check this page to view a few screenshots, get the binaries and/or the source code:
Any help or feedback, even minimal, would be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
I allow myself to write this note to present a piece of software I am currenlty writing. It's a FileAid like software, java based, hence running on all systems where a JVM is installed.
Pretty much like FileAid, it's aimed to help people working with copybooks and data mapped to their fields.
I primarily designed it coz' me a lot of people around me were dealing quite a lot with copybooks and flat files on windows, without any mainframe knowledge or COBOL technical skills. I tried to find some windows free software to help us, but we couldn't really find something that matched our needs. That's how I got to start that program.
Now I think it has reached a certain degree of stability. We have already used it against some simple copybooks at work, and so far it starts to fit pretty much the initial goal.
So here I am before you today
We use very simple copybook formats in our cross-platform developments at work, and complex copybooks are likely not to be understood by this version so far. Hence I need help to help me improve it: by testing it against different styles of coding and by giving me feedbacks.
If anyone should be willing to try it (and potentially help me eventually) you can check this page to view a few screenshots, get the binaries and/or the source code:
Any help or feedback, even minimal, would be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.