This is the formula I'm having troubles with...
If {Company Setup.Company~CompanyID} = "CWDCON"
Then {Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~Description} Else
If {Company Setup.Company~CompanyID} = "CWD"
Then {Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~Description} Else
If IsNull({Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~ContractID}) And
{Company Setup.LU_Divisions~DivisionID} < "01000"
Then {Company Setup.LU_Divisions~Description} Else
If IsNull({Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~ContractID}) And
{Company Setup.LU_Divisions~DivisionID} >= "01000"
Then {Company Setup.Company~SpecSection} Else
I'm using version 8.5. The formula is part of a field object. I'm trying to populate the field using the formula above. It populates the field correctly except for one which it leaves blank. The companies do have the same company name but have different company IDs. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.
If {Company Setup.Company~CompanyID} = "CWDCON"
Then {Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~Description} Else
If {Company Setup.Company~CompanyID} = "CWD"
Then {Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~Description} Else
If IsNull({Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~ContractID}) And
{Company Setup.LU_Divisions~DivisionID} < "01000"
Then {Company Setup.LU_Divisions~Description} Else
If IsNull({Contracts_10_ttx.Contracts~ContractID}) And
{Company Setup.LU_Divisions~DivisionID} >= "01000"
Then {Company Setup.Company~SpecSection} Else
I'm using version 8.5. The formula is part of a field object. I'm trying to populate the field using the formula above. It populates the field correctly except for one which it leaves blank. The companies do have the same company name but have different company IDs. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks.