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Anybody Real Good with Excel VBA? 1

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Technical User
Sep 26, 2000
Anybody Real Good with Excel VBA?
It depends what you want. Post the details.

I'm trying to parse a file. All data is in Column A.
I'm trying to find the first occurance of a space. Select everything to the left of the space and then move it to let say column B. The following bit of code works to find the space but I can't seem to select data to the left. Is this possible to do. When you run the recorder and select just a portion of the text in a cell then cut and paste, the code acts as though you selected the entire contents of the cell. I need to get the content of what is left of the space into let's say column B

Option Explicit
Sub mytest()

Dim li_Location As Integer
Dim ls_CellVall As String
Dim ls_Addvalue As String

li_Location = 1

Range("A" & li_Location).Select
ls_CellVall = ActiveCell.Value
ls_Addvalue = InStr(1, ls_CellVall, " ")
MsgBox ("The first blank is in position" & " " & ls_Addvalue)

End Sub
Hi - why don't you just copy the entire cell, and then do a Find (" ") and Replace ("") to get rid of all the spaces.

Another way to find and move all cells that begin with a space is to use Text to Columns (or a macro recording text to columns) that has the space as the deliminator. This also gets rid of the leading space, and is a better solution if there are multiple spaces in the data that you want to keep.

Hope this helps.

I'm trying to take a file that contains Company Name address, Tel#, ... and Parse it. The file is not delimited by comma or tab, so it is irregular. So, I need to read the file the determine what to put in what columns.
I've used find and replace but it won't work in this situation.
Try using the Left and Right functions something like the following:

Option Explicit
Sub mytest()

Dim li_Location As Integer
Dim ls_CellVall As String
Dim ls_Addvalue As String

li_Location = 1

Range("A" & li_Location).Select
ls_CellVall = ActiveCell.Value
ls_Addvalue = InStr(1, ls_CellVall, " ")
Range("B" & li_Location).Value = Right(ls_CellVall, Len(ls_CellVall) - ls_Addvalue)
Range("A" & li_Location).Value = Left(ls_CellVall, ls_Addvalue - 1)
MsgBox ("The first blank is in position" & " " & ls_Addvalue)

End Sub Durkin
'Maybe not all that elegant, but here's what I'd do... or something similar
' I just threw it togethor right now. I might work on it more in the future
' so that it's more efficient and robust.

'(You MUST first save the sheet- this will refresh Last Used Cell marker.)

Sub MoGryphs_Parser()
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
ReDim A(1 To 50) As String ' Increase if there's more than 50 _
space delim'd columns
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

' Go from row 1 to last USED row on the sheet.
For x = 1 To Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
MoGryphs_Tokenizer Cells(x, 1).Value, A 'Call my custom function
i = 1 ' Re-Initialize
If Len(A(i)) = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Cells(x, i + 1).Value = A(i)
i = i + 1
ReDim A(1 To 50) ' SEE NOTE ABOVE REGARDING ReDim A(1 To 50)
Next x
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub MoGryphs_Tokenizer(StrIn As String, StrOut() As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim idx As Integer
Dim LastSpace As Long
LastSpace = 0
idx = 0
If Len(StrIn) = 0 Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To Len(StrIn)
If Mid(StrIn, i, 1) = " " Then
idx = idx + 1
If LastSpace > 0 Then
StrOut(idx) = Mid(StrIn, LastSpace + 1, i - LastSpace - 1)
StrOut(idx) = Left(StrIn, i - 1 + 1)
End If
LastSpace = i
End If
Next i
idx = idx + 1
StrOut(idx) = Mid(StrIn, LastSpace + 1)
End Sub

I haven't taken into account Multiple spaces next to each other- in that case my Tokenizer routine would fail. You can modify how you want- I"m just too tired to fool-proof it all the way.

Good luck, and Keep Coding!
BTW- The previous code will parse out EVERY space, and move that section of data over another column... ie..
"This is a whole sentence".
(B) : This
(C) : is
(D) : a
(E) : whole
(F) : sentence
Now that's what I call a house party! Thanks! That works great!
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