Dear All :
I have a very strange situation here ,,
I have 6 Interfaces on my 525 PIX , 6.2.
the 1st is the most secure interface , and the 6th is the least ..
I made a rule using the PDM , saying that :
Permit from Special Group on the 3rd Interface --> ANY FTP Traffic to Any Host ..
Means :
Source : Group on the 3rd Interface
Destination : Any on the 6thg Interface
But I found that any one on the Group can FTP the top 2 Interfaces too !!!
How can I prevent this !
Alos Happened when I opened HTTP for another group to ANY on the 6th Interface , they can make HTPP connection with the 2 top Interfaces too !!!
Mohamed Farid
Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!!
I have a very strange situation here ,,
I have 6 Interfaces on my 525 PIX , 6.2.
the 1st is the most secure interface , and the 6th is the least ..
I made a rule using the PDM , saying that :
Permit from Special Group on the 3rd Interface --> ANY FTP Traffic to Any Host ..
Means :
Source : Group on the 3rd Interface
Destination : Any on the 6thg Interface
But I found that any one on the Group can FTP the top 2 Interfaces too !!!
How can I prevent this !
Alos Happened when I opened HTTP for another group to ANY on the 6th Interface , they can make HTPP connection with the 2 top Interfaces too !!!
Mohamed Farid
Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!!