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Any Fedora users yet?

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Jul 12, 2001
Any Fedora users yet? Server or desktop. Opinions?

Surfinbox.com Business Internet Services - National Dialup, DSL, T-1 and more.
I downloaded Fedora, but after reading the website I decided it was a waste of time. If I understand the web site correctly, a stable release will be only valid for 2 to 3 months, than another stable release will be released.

There seems to be some confusion on security updates, which in this day and age are important. Will old stable releases not be provided security updates? Will the world just refer to Fedora as Redhat 10, and continue to support it like that?

I think FEDORA is gonna be for the hardcore expermenter and tinker. Redhat as a poor mans operating system/server is long gone under redhats current pricing scheme.

I just wonder how long it will take for the other big distrobutions to follow suit.

I did read through the items that were droped from Redhat 9 vs Fedora, they were items I didnt need or use anyways.
If I could be assured that security updates wont be a problem, I will gladly swith to Fedora.

In the mean time i have been trying Suse, which aint to bad. But atleats they have a security updates.

If I am wrong someone tell me so I can change to Fedora.

(What sucks when all this changed I was getting ready to buy and install Redhat 9, upgrading from RH 7.2)

In the mean time Stuck with Suse and not happy

I've said before the I moved a server from RH7.3 to Debian, and have been happy. I haven't tried Gnome or KDE on Deb so I cannot vouch for the desktop, but its probably fine.

Surfinbox.com Business Internet Services - National Dialup, DSL, T-1 and more.
i don't think i'm gonna try redhat out simply for the reason that it's going to be crammed full of redhat specific commands and tools that are simply not present on other systems ( and then when you type that command on another linux, and you get nothing, it's not good) .

I've made a decision to ditch Suse linux after the disaster that their instalation did the last time i got it ( It put everything under SCSI emulation when i have absolutly everything IDE in that box ). It's been nothing but problems. IT works, but i would have to put more than 10 hours alone to fix the confusion the whole SCSI affair did to the whole shebang.

So right now getting a mandrake ISO or a debian ISO looks pretty good right now.

when someone asks for your username and password, and much *clickely clickely* is happening in the background, know enough that you should be worried.
One thing I would like to point out, The only major differeance I have seen between REDHAT and SUSE is the install scripts and UPDATE emgines. The script and config directories are the same. The install script is a tad dfferent, I like REDHATS choice of WORKSTATION/SERVER.
Like I have said before, there is hardly any differances at the core level of the different distrubutions, just maybe the install scripts and how they update. (if at all).

Now that I got WEBMIN on SUSE I am more than thrilled.

I shall be staying with SUSE.

(And to think I was paying REDHAT 69 a year for updates
and would still be if they hadnt gone for the big $$$$$)

When I get time though I will play with Fedora, I just dont have playtime anymore.


I've been running fedora for about a month now and it seems to be running "hot, true and normal". The "Red Hat Network Alert Icon" seems to still work. I have to run yum though instead of up2date. When I get the red exclamation button, I run "yum update" and when it's done, the button turns to a blue check mark. The only problem I seem to be having is that after I cleared the cache and history on mozilla, it doesn't keep track any more. Other than that, I haven't noticed any difference between RH 9 and fedora. I would not be the final authority on this subject however, since it is what I'm running my servers on so I kinda leave it alone and don't play around with it much.
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