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Anti-virus and Spyware

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Technical User
Oct 28, 2005
I sometimes run VPC 6.n under OSX.4.2 (I'm toying with going to VPC 7.n) and I'm told that this opens me up to the possibility of Windoze viruses and spyware - and possibly other nasties from The Darkside.

What (preferably) freeware should I install to protect myself as much as possible? I run Intego's VirusBarrier (v10.4.1) 24/7 so my OSX is fully protected, but that leaves any Windoze sessions wide open.

AVG Free Edition has been suggested by a Non-Mac Windozer but is this suitable for VPC? I've also heard of something called Adaware(?) but I also hear that that might in intelf be suspect.

What is your advice, Ladies and Gentlemen?

And please be gentle, I'm a Tek-Tips virgin!
AVG (the freeware version) has no problems running in a VPC VM. Another one that works pretty well is Avast!.

I really suggest you run some antivirus app, but I wouldn't recommecnt McAfee or Norton, they are a bit heavy for a VM.

Adaware is a decent antispyware app.

- Bob Comer
I've now installed both adaware and AVG Free Edition - no viruses but 18 suspect spyware items! God Bless OSX!

What I can't find out is whether they both run 24/7 whilst VPC is open - and if not can I get them to do so?

I also looked for some free firewall software and came across ZoneAlarm but reading the blurb it tells me not to install it at the same time as XP's own firewall.

I didn't know XP had a firewall - I certainly can't find it anywhere. Mindful of Apple's bizarre habit of shipping OSX with the fireall defaulted to off, I'm a tad concerned that I may be "unfirewalled" in VPC XP Home v6.n

I know little or nothing about Windoze (my Mother taught me to avoid dangerous situations at all costs!) so any Noddy Guide advice on how best to protect my VPC environment 24/7 and with the least interference from me, once installed, would be very much appreciated.


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AVG runs all the time, and it usually scans once a day for things that it doesn't catch live.

The free version of Adaware doesn't run live, you need to do scans farily frequently. If you want something that works all the time, the paid for version of Adaware does that. I really don't know how well it does it though, as I only run the free version. (Hey, I'm cheap. <g>)

If you have Windows XP SP2 install, it defaults to the firewall being on, but if you don't have SP2, it's only half a firewall and defaults to off on LAN connections. You really do want to use SP2 if you can, but I'd look for other OSX guys to see what their experience with it is. (I'm a PC guy...)

- Bob Comer

Hmm! I'm a Mac guy, so things like SP2 mean nothing!

I have VPC 6.1 and have no idea whether it includes SP2 or not.

Thanks anyway. I hope a more knowledgable mac user than I will help out here.

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SP2 means "Service Pack 2" It's basically an update kind of like OSX 10.3 to 10.4, only it's just a download. (a rather larger one -- 272M.)

It probably doesn't include it as VPC 6.1 is older than SP2, you'll either have to get it on CD or download it. That said, if you are having no problems, only concerned about antivirus and spyware, you're probably okay without it for now. If you do decide to install it, make sure and make a backup of you virtual hard drive beforehand, should things go wrong!

- Bob Comer

AVG (Free edition) works quite well in a VPC VM, that's what I use.

- Bob Comer
Thanks, one and all.

I now have AVG free installed, as well as adaware. I also run Intego VirusBarrier X4 under OSX.4.4 so I hope I'll be OK for the few times when I need to use Windoze.


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I lost track of where I was in this thread, I already answered about AVG, sorry. <g>

>I now have AVG free installed, as well as adaware. I also >run Intego VirusBarrier X4 under OSX.4.4 so I hope I'll be >OK for the few times when I need to use Windoze.

Sounds like you're pretty protected, the only bad things that can happen are 0-day exploits, and nothing can protect you from them. :( (So always keep good backups!)

- Bob Comer
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